FRANCE ALPINE SKIING 연합뉴스23:35epa10451005 World champion Federica Brignone of Italy poses during the flowers ceremony in the finish area after the slalom run of the Women's Alpine Combine
FRANCE ALPINE SKIING 연합뉴스23:35epa10451008 (R-L) silver medalist Wendy Holdener of Switzerland, world champion Federica Brignone of Italy and bronze medalist Ricarda Haaser of Austria pos
FRANCE ALPINE SKIING 연합뉴스23:34epa10451007 (L-R) silver medalist Wendy Holdener of Switzerland, world champion Federica Brignone of Italy and bronze medalist Ricarda Haaser of Austria pose
FRANCE ALPINE SKIING 연합뉴스23:13epa10450969 Mikaela Shiffrin of the United States reacts in the finish area during the Slalom run of the Women's Alpine Combined event at the FIS Alpine Skii
FRANCE ALPINE SKIING 연합뉴스23:09epa10450966 Federica Brignone of Italy reacts in the finish area during the Slalom run of the Women's Alpine Combined event at the FIS Alpine Skiing World Ch
FRANCE ALPINE SKIING 연합뉴스23:09epa10450967 Federica Brignone of Italy reacts in the finish area during the Slalom run of the Women's Alpine Combined event at the FIS Alpine Skiing World Ch
FRANCE ALPINE SKIING 연합뉴스23:09epa10450970 Mikaela Shiffrin of the United States reacts in the finish area during the Slalom run of the Women's Alpine Combined event at the FIS Alpine Skii
FRANCE ALPINE SKIING 연합뉴스23:05epa10450965 Federica Brignone of Italy reacts in the finish area during the Slalom run of the Women's Alpine Combined event at the FIS Alpine Skiing World Ch
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epaselect FRANCE ALPINE SKIING 연합뉴스22:13epaselect epa10450548 Mikaela Shiffrin of the United States in action during the Super-G run of the Women's Alpine Combined event at the FIS Alpine Skiing Wo
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