epaselect AUSTRALIA RUGBY CHAMPIONSHIP 연합뉴스23:02epaselect epa09501470 Ardie Savea of the All Blacks (C) is seen after being presented with the Rugby Championship Trophy following Round 6 of the Rugby Champ
epaselect AUSTRALIA RUGBY CHAMPIONSHIP 연합뉴스23:02epaselect epa09501428 Springboks player Frans Steyn (front) tackles Damian McKenzie of the All Blacks during Round 6 of the Rugby Championship match between
FINLAND BADMINTON SUDIRMAN CUP 연합뉴스22:58epa09501682 Aaron Chia (R) and Wooi Yik Soh (L) of Malaysia in action during the men?s doubles event against Takuro Hoki and Yugo Kobayashi of Japan at the M
FINLAND BADMINTON SUDIRMAN CUP 연합뉴스22:58epa09501680 Aaron Chia (R) and Wooi Yik Soh (L) of Malaysia in action during the men?s doubles event against Takuro Hoki and Yugo Kobayashi of Japan at the M
FINLAND BADMINTON SUDIRMAN CUP 연합뉴스22:58epa09501679 Aaron Chia (R) and Wooi Yik Soh (2L) of Malaysia in action against Takuro Hoki (2R) and Yugo Kobayashi (L) of Japan during the Men's doubles game
FINLAND BADMINTON SUDIRMAN CUP 연합뉴스22:58epa09501681 Wooi Yik Soh of Malaysia in action against Takuro Hoki and Yugo Kobayashi of Japan during the Men's doubles game of the semifinal tie between Mal
FINLAND BADMINTON SUDIRMAN CUP 연합뉴스22:58epa09501677 Aaron Chia (R) and Wooi Yik Soh (2R) of Malaysia in action against Takuro Hoki (2L) and Yugo Kobayashi (L) of Japan during the Men's doubles game
FINLAND BADMINTON SUDIRMAN CUP 연합뉴스22:58epa09501678 Aaron Chia (2R) and Wooi Yik Soh (L) of Malaysia in action against Takuro Hoki (2L) and Yugo Kobayashi (R) of Japan during the Men's doubles game
FINLAND BADMINTON SUDIRMAN CUP 연합뉴스22:56epa09501675 Aaron Chia (L) and Wooi Yik Soh of Malaysia in action against Takuro Hoki and Yugo Kobayashi of Japan during the Men's doubles game of the semifi
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