USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스10:07epa09544693 Tim Koleto (L) and Misato Komatsubara (R) of Japan compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating at the Orleans A
배드민턴 여자단식 안세영, 덴마크오픈 결승 도중 부상으로 기권 뉴스110:06(서울=뉴스1) 문대현 기자 = 배드민턴 안세영(19·삼성생명)이 덴마크오픈 선수권대회 여자 단식 결승 도중 허벅지를 다치면서 기권, 준우승을 차지했다. 안세영은 24일...
USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스10:03epa09544692 Misato Komatsubara (L) and Tim Koleto (R) of Japan compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating at the Orleans A
USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스10:02epa09544691 Nikolaj Sorensen (L) and Laurence Fournier Beaudry (R) of Canada compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating at
USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스10:01epa09544690 Evan Bates (L) and Madison Chock (R) of the USA compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating at the Orleans Aren
USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스10:01epa09544688 Laurence Fournier Beaudry (front) and Nikolaj Sorensen (back) of Canada compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Ska
USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스10:01epa09544689 Nikolaj Sorensen (front) and Laurence Fournier Beaudry (back) of Canada compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Ska
USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스10:00epa09544687 Nikolaj Sorensen (top) and Laurence Fournier Beaudry (bottom) of Canada compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Ska
대한근대5종연맹 김현준 회장 아시아 수장 선임 스포츠서울09:57대한근대5종연맹 김현준 회장이 아시아근대5종연맹 회장에 당선 돼 수락 연설을 하고 있다. 제공=대한근대5종연맹 [스포츠서울 | 장강훈기자] 대한근대5종연맹 김현...
쇼트 프로그램 실수 씻어낸 유영, 그랑프리 1차 대회 동메달 SBS09:51한국 피겨스케이팅 여자 싱글 간판 유영이 2021-2022 국제빙상경기연맹(ISU) 피겨 시니어 그랑프리 1차 대회에서 동메달을 목에 걸었습니다. 유영은 미국 라스베이거스...
USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스09:48epa09544684 Madison Chock (top) and Evan Bates (bottom) of the USA compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating at the Orlea
USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스09:48epa09544686 Evan Bates (L) and Madison Chock (R) of the USA compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating at the Orleans Aren
USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스09:48epa09544685 Evan Bates (L) and Madison Chock (R) of the USA compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating at the Orleans Aren
USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스09:47epa09544682 Madison Hubbell (top) and Zachary Donohue (bottom) of the USA compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating at th
USA FIGURE SKATING 연합뉴스09:47epa09544683 Zachary Donohue (L) and Madison Hubbell (R) of the USA compete in the free dance competition in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating at the Orlea