도쿄올림픽 관중은 국내거주자만? 日매체 '정부 차원에서 추진' 스포츠서울08:59한 일본인 여성이 마스크를 쓴 채 지난 27일 일본 도쿄도 청사의 올림픽 광고 현수막 앞을 지나며 통화하고 있다. 도쿄 | EPA연합뉴스 [스포츠서울 김용일기자] 28일...
남녀 혼성 대결 맥심커피배, 2월 1일 16강전 시작 노컷뉴스08:57남녀 혼성 대결로 관심을 받는 제22기 맥심커피배 입신최강전 16강 첫 경기가 다음 달 1일 막을 올린다. 첫 대결은 백홍석 9단과 변상일 9단이 '사제 대결'을 펼친다. 3...
장애인스포츠강좌이용권, 중장년층까지 확대 시행 '만 49세→64세' 마이데일리08:47[마이데일리 = 이후광 기자] 장애인스포츠강좌이용권이 중장년층까지 확대 시행된다. 문화체육관광부는 "국민체육진흥공단, 대한장애인체육회와 함께 2월 2일부터 2021...
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:32epa08970113 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:32epa08970106 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:32epa08970114 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:32epa08970112 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:31epa08970111 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:31epa08970109 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:31epa08970110 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:31epa08970107 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:31epa08970108 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:31epa08970103 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:31epa08970102 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race
FRANCE SAILING VENDEE GLOBE 연합뉴스08:31epa08970105 French skipper Charlie Dalin, who sailed his Imoca 60 monohull 'Apivia' in the 2020/2021 Vendee Globe single-handed non stop round-the-world race