호주 정부, 백신 안 맞은 조코비치 비자 또 취소 세계일보23:01호주오픈 출전을 위해 호주에 입국한 세르비아 테니스 선수 노바크 조코비치. 멜버른=AP연합뉴스 호주 정부가 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 백신을 맞지 않은...
여자배구 현대건설, 최초 단일리그 '10연승 두 번' SBS23:00현대건설이 한국프로배구 V리그 최초로 단일시즌에 10연승 이상을 두 차례 달성하는 놀라운 기록을 작성했습니다. 현대건설은 광주 페퍼스타디움에서 열린 V리그 여자부...
'박지수 결장' KB, 3년 만에 11연승..'1위 확정까지 3승' SBS23:00여자 프로농구 KB가 주전 센터 박지수의 결장에도 11연승을 내달리며 정규리그 1위 확정에 3승만을 남겼습니다. KB는 충북 청주체육관에서 열린 정규리그 하나원큐와 홈...
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:59epa09685217 Marco Odermatt of Switzerland reacts in the finish area during the men's Downhill race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup on the Lauberhorn in We
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:58epa09685215 Marco Odermatt of Switzerland reacts in the finish area during the men's Downhill race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup on the Lauberhorn in We
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:56epa09685214 Aleksander Aamodt Kilde of Norway reacts in the finish area during the men's Downhill race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup on the Lauberhorn i
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:53epa09685205 Beat Feuz of Switzerland reacts in the finish area during the men's Downhill race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup on the Lauberhorn in Wengen,
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:52epa09685204 Beat Feuz of Switzerland reacts in the finish area during the men's Downhill race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup on the Lauberhorn in Wengen,
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:49epa09685202 Marco Odermatt of Switzerland celebrates after taking the second place in the men's Downhill race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup on the Laube
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:49epa09685203 Beat Feuz of Switzerland celebrates after taking the third place in the men's Downhill race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup on the Lauberhorn
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:49epa09685184 Aleksander Aamodt Kilde (C) of Norway celebrates on the podium after winning the men's Downhill race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup on the La
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:49epa09682702 Marco Odermatt (C) of Switzerland celebrates on the podium after winning the men's Super G race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup in Wengen, Swi
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:48epa09682388 Aleksander Aamodt Kilde of Norway in action during the men's Super G race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup in Wengen, Switzerland, 13 January 2...
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:48epa09682738 Marco Odermatt (C) of Switzerland reacts on the podium after winning the men's Super G race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup in Wengen, Switzer
SWITZERLAND ALPINE SKIING WORLD CUP 연합뉴스22:48epa09682742 Aleksander Aamodt Kilde of Norway celebrates on the podium after taking the second place in the men's Super G race of the FIS Alpine Skiing World