美하원, '中 개도국 지위 박탈' 법안 만장일치로 통과 뉴스123:59(워싱턴=뉴스1) 김현 특파원 = 미 하원이 국제사회에서 중국의 '개발도상국' 지위 박탈을 추진하는 법안을 만장일치로 통과시켰다. 28일(현지시간) 미 하원 외교위원회 ...
"일본 외무상, 이번주 중국 방문 추진…40개월만에 처음" 연합뉴스23:59(샌프란시스코=연합뉴스) 김태종 특파원 = 일본 하야시 요시마사 외무상이 이번 주 중국 방문을 추진하고 있다고 일본 교도통신이 28일(현지시간) 보도했다. 일본 정부 ...
GERMANY DEFENSE EXERCISES NATO 연합뉴스23:59epa10547199 A US Air Force F15 in flight during the 'Dynamic Front' multinational army exercise in the military training area in Grafenwoehr, Germany, 28 Mar
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스23:59epa10547200 A handout photo made available by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Service shows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky walking through a trench
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스23:59epa10547201 A handout photo made available by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Service shows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) walking at an undiscl
GERMANY DEFENSE EXERCISES NATO 연합뉴스23:58epa10547202 An M109A7 Paladin Self-Propelled 155mm Howitzer 'Dynamic Front' multinational army exercise in the military training area in Grafenwoehr, Germany
France Protests 연합뉴스23:58An overturned car burns during a demonstration Tuesday, March 28, 2023 in Nantes, western France. The fresh wave of strikes and protests is the 10th time sin
FRANCE PENSION PROTEST 연합뉴스23:57epa10547195 Protesters holding flares participate in a rally against the government's pension reform in Paris, France, 28 March 2023. France faces an ongoing
FRANCE PENSION PROTEST 연합뉴스23:57epa10547194 Protesters holding flares participate in a rally against the government's pension reform in Paris, France, 28 March 2023. The sign reads '#Live y
France Protests 연합뉴스23:57A woman protesting against police violence marches during a demonstration Tuesday, March 28, 2023 in Nantes, western France. The fresh wave of strikes and pr
FRANCE PENSION PROTEST 연합뉴스23:57epa10547196 People participate in a protest against the government's pension reform in Paris, France, 28 March 2023. The sign reads 'In a democracy the polic
France Protests 연합뉴스23:57A riot police officer removes a security fence during a demonstration against French President Emmanuel Macron's push to move back France's legal retirement
영국, 북아일랜드 테러 경보 1년 만에 도로 상향 연합뉴스23:57(런던=연합뉴스) 최윤정 특파원 = 영국이 다음 달 성금요일(벨파스트) 평화협정 25주년을 앞두고 북아일랜드 테러 경보를 상향했다. 영국 정부는 28일(현지시간) 북아일...
ITALY EU DIPLOMACY 연합뉴스23:57epa10547191 Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani (R) with EU Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen (L) during their meet
Historic Black Town-Florida 연합뉴스23:57This undated photo shows the Eatonville sign in Eatonville, Fla. One of the first historically Black towns in the U.S. is suing the local school board to sto