UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스23:58epa10130453 Ukrainian soldiers on a Russian tank that was destroyed in fights with the Ukrainian army, displayed on Khreshchatyk street, in downtown Kyiv, ah
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스23:58epa10130452 People pass Russian armoured military vehicles that were damaged in fights with the Ukrainian army, displayed on Khreshchatyk street, in downtown
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스23:58epa10130433 People look at Russian armoured military vehicles and items that were destroyed in fights with the Ukrainian army, displayed on Khreshchatyk stre
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스23:57epa10130449 People look at Russian armoured military vehicles that were destroyed in fights with the Ukrainian army, displayed on Khreshchatyk street, in dow
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스23:57epa10130436 A boy sits in a Russian military vehicle that was damaged in fights with the Ukrainian army, displayed on Khreshchatyk street, in downtown Kyiv,
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스23:57epa10130444 People look at Russian armoured military vehicles that were destroyed in fights with the Ukrainian army, displayed on Khreshchatyk street, in dow
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스23:57epa10130448 People look at Russian armoured military vehicle that was destroyed in fights with the Ukrainian army, displayed on Khreshchatyk street, in downt
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UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스23:54epa10130432 People look at Russian armoured military vehicles and items that were destroyed in fights with the Ukrainian army, displayed on Khreshchatyk stre
ANGOLA GENERAL ELECTIONS 연합뉴스23:54epa10130445 Supporters of incumbent president and People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola - Labour Party (MPLA) presidential candidate Joao Lourenco (
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Russia Ukraine War 연합뉴스23:50Sandbags fortify a gas pump as a queue forms for customers waiting to fill up their tanks in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Saturday, Aug. ...
Russia Ukraine War 연합뉴스23:46Deteriorating sandbags fortify a gas pump as customers wait in line in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Saturday, Aug. 20, 2022. (AP Photo/Da...
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러시아인 비자 발급 중단 조치에 유럽 여론 양분 뉴시스23:38[서울=뉴시스] 김지은 기자 = 유럽연합(EU)이 러시아인에 대한 비자 발급 중단을 검토하고 있는 가운데 유럽 내 여론이 양분되고 있다고 뉴욕타임스(NYT)가 19일(현지시...