GERMANY LABOR TRAFFIC STRIKE 연합뉴스23:59epa09451618 Chairman of the German train driver's union (GDL), Claus Weselsky poses with GDL workers during German train drivers' strike, at Berlin Central R
GERMANY LABOR TRAFFIC STRIKE 연합뉴스23:59epa09451617 Chairman of the German train driver's union (GDL), Claus Weselsky poses with GDL workers during German train drivers' strike, at Berlin Central R
IAEA "후쿠시마 오염수 방류 계획 검토..이번 주 방일 예정" 한국경제23:56국제원자력기구(IAEA)는 후쿠시마 제1 원전의 오염수 방류 계획을 검토하기 위해 관계자들이 이번 주 일본을 방문한다. 6일(현지 시간) 리디 에브라르 IAEA 사무차장이 ...
GEORGIA PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:55epa09451612 Georgian Leonila Gvajava, 111-year-old COVID-19 patient, speaks with journalists as she leaves a Republican hospital after her recovery in Tbilis
GEORGIA PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:55epa09451611 Georgian Leonila Gvajava, 111-year-old COVID-19 patient, leaves a Republican hospital after her recovery in Tbilisi, Georgia, 06 September 2021.
GEORGIA PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:54epa09451608 Georgian Leonila Gvajava, 111-year-old COVID-19 patient, gestures as she leaves a Republican hospital after her recovery in Tbilisi, Georgia, 06
GEORGIA PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:54epa09451610 Georgian Leonila Gvajava, 111-year-old COVID-19 patient, gestures as she leaves a Republican hospital after her recovery in Tbilisi, Georgia, 06
GEORGIA PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:54epa09451607 Georgian Leonila Gvajava, 111-year-old COVID-19 patient, leaves a Republican hospital after her recovery in Tbilisi, Georgia, 06 September 2021.
GEORGIA PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:54epa09451609 Georgian Leonila Gvajava, 111-year-old COVID-19 patient, leaves a Republican hospital after her recovery in Tbilisi, Georgia, 06 September 2021.
美, 추가 실업수당 종료..퇴거 유예는 7월에 종료 YTN23:54미국이 코로나19 대유행 이후 취약계층 보호를 위해 도입한 사회안전망이 속속 사라져 이들의 어려움을 키울 것이라는 우려가 나오고 있습니다. CNN 등에 따르면 코로나...
이란, 아프간 재장악 탈레반 첫 비난.."판지시르 공격 우려" YTN23:54이란이 아프가니스탄 저항군의 마지막 남은 거점인 판지시르 계곡을 공격한 탈레반을 강하게 비판했다고 국영 IRNA 통신이 보도했습니다. 사이드 하티브자데 이란 외무...
기니 쿠데타 수장, '거국 정부' 구성 약속 YTN23:51서아프리카 기니에서 군사 쿠데타를 일으킨 주역이 과도 기간을 관장할 거국 정부를 구성하겠다고 다짐했다고 AFP통신 등이 보도했습니다. 쿠데타 수장인 마마디 둠부야...
GREECE MIKIS THEODORAKIS PILGRIMAGE 연합뉴스23:50epa09451601 The coffin containing the remains of the late composer Mikis Theodorakis, is carried by pallbearers out of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens,
GREECE MIKIS THEODORAKIS PILGRIMAGE 연합뉴스23:50epa09451602 Members of the family pay their respects in front of the coffin of the late composer Mikis Theodorakis at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens, G
GREECE MIKIS THEODORAKIS PILGRIMAGE 연합뉴스23:50epa09451600 The coffin containing the remains of the late composer Mikis Theodorakis, is carried by pallbearers out of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens,