Germany Election 연합뉴스22:38Election workers open the pink envelopes during the counting of the postal vote for the Germany parliament election, in Cologne, Germany, Sunday, Sept. 26, 2
Germany Election 연합뉴스22:38Election workers open the pink envelopes during the counting of the postal vote for the Germany parliament election, in Cologne, Germany, Sunday, Sept. 26, 2
시진핑, '親中' 대만 야당에.."현재 형세 복잡·심각" 이데일리22:35사진=AFP[이데일리 이준기 기자] 시진핑(사진) 중국 국가주석이 26일 중국과 대만을 의미하는 양안 관계와 관련, 친중(親中)으로 분류되는 대만 야당을 향해 “복잡하고...
전세계 25.8억명 접종완료..1차접종자의 74% 뉴시스22:29기사내용 요약 1차접종자 전인구의 44.4%…34.9억명 하루 2600만명 주사맞아…한달전의 70% [서울=뉴시스] 김재영 기자 = 전세계 인구의 44.4%가 코로나19 백신을 최소...
시진핑, 타이완 상황에 "복잡하고 심각" 경고 KBS22:28시진핑(習近平) 중국 국가 주석이 오늘(26일) 양안(兩岸·중국과 타이완) 관계가 “복잡하고 심각하다” 경고했습니다. 시 주석은 전날 타이완 야당으로 중국에 친화적...
아동복에 "웰컴투헬" "널 만질게" 새긴 회사.."상상의 자유" 중앙일보22:27중국의 유명 패션 브랜드가 아동용 셔츠에 "지옥에 온 걸 환영해(Welcome to hell)" "널 만질게(Let me touch you)"라는 문구가 새겨진 아동복을 판매한 뒤 소비자의 항...
Russia Putin 연합뉴스22:26In this undated pool photo released by the Kremlin Press Service via Sputnik on Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu walks through
PORTUGAL LOCAL ELECTIONS 연합뉴스22:25epa09489697 Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (L) casts his vote in local elections in Celorico de Basto, Portugal, 26 Septrember 2021. More than
SPAIN VOLCANIC ERUPTION 연합뉴스22:25epa09489693 An evacuated resident takes photos of the ongoing volcanic eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano from the district of La Laguna, in the town of Lo
SPAIN VOLCANIC ERUPTION 연합뉴스22:25epa09489694 Several evacuated residents look at the ongoing volcanic eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano from the district of Tijuya, in the town of El Paso
SYRIA RUSSIA ART WORKSHOP 연합뉴스22:23epa09489688 A group of Syrian fine art students watches Russian artists Lilia Ustykova (C, standing)painting during a workshop in Damascus, Syria, 26 Septemb
SYRIA RUSSIA ART WORKSHOP 연합뉴스22:23epa09489686 Russian artists Lilia Ustykova (C-R, standing) and Mikhail Korchenov (C-L, seated) paint in front of a group of Syrian fine art students during a
Russia Putin 연합뉴스22:22In this undated pool photo released by the Kremlin Press Service via Sputnik on Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and Russian
Russia Putin 연합뉴스22:22In this undated pool photo released by the Kremlin Press Service via Sputnik on Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin catches his trophy a
SYRIA RUSSIA ART WORKSHOP 연합뉴스22:22epa09489687 A group of Syrian fine art students watches Russian artists Lilia Ustykova (C, standing) and Mikhail Korchenov (R) painting during a workshop in