Italy Emilia Romagna Motorcycle Grand Prix 연합뉴스20:08Britain's rider Sam Lowes of the ELF Marc VDS Racing Team steers his motorcycle followed by Spain's rider Aron Canet of the Aspar Team during the Moto2 race
Race Blind Redistricting 연합뉴스20:06FILE - In this Sept. 12, 2019, file photo, state Rep. John Szoka, of Fayetteville, looks over a redistricting map during a committee meeting at the Legislati
"체포된 獨 장교 집서 방사성 물질·北 관련 기밀문서" 세계일보20:06독일 국기. 게티이미지뱅크 무기관리법 위반 등 혐의로 체포된 독일 연방군 대위의 집에서 고위험 방사성 물질과 함께 독일 정보기관이 작성한 북한 관련 기밀문서가 ...
영국 재봉쇄 경고 속에 입국규제 완화..의료진 백신 의무화 추진 연합뉴스20:05(런던=연합뉴스) 최윤정 특파원 = 영국이 성탄절 무렵엔 코로나19 봉쇄를 하게 될 수 있다는 경고 속에서도 예정대로 입국 규제를 완화했다. 정부는 코로나19 확진자 급...
ITALY ROME FILM FESTIVAL 연합뉴스20:01epa09542877 Argentine film producer Victoria Alonso poses during a photocall for the movie 'Eternals' at the 16th annual Rome International Film Festival, in
'COP26' 1주 앞으로.. "파리회의보다 힘든 자리될 것" 세계일보20:01지난 22일 스위스 베른에서 열린 기후 시위. 로이터연합뉴스. 파리협정이 채택된 2015년 이후 가장 중요한 환경회의라 불리는 ‘제26차 유엔 기후변화협약 당사국총회...
ITALY ROME FILM FESTIVAL 연합뉴스20:00epa09542878 US actress Angelina Jolie poses during a photocall for the movie 'Eternals' at the 16th annual Rome International Film Festival, in Rome, Italy,
ITALY ROME FILM FESTIVAL 연합뉴스20:00epa09542879 Argentine film producer Victoria Alonso poses during a photocall for the movie 'Eternals' at the 16th annual Rome International Film Festival, in
ITALY ROME FILM FESTIVAL 연합뉴스20:00epa09542876 US actress Angelina Jolie (L) and Chinese-born director Chloe Zhao pose during a photocall for the movie 'Eternals' at the 16th annual Rome Inter
ITALY ROME FILM FESTIVAL 연합뉴스20:00epa09542875 US actress Angelina Jolie poses during a photocall for the movie 'Eternals' at the 16th annual Rome International Film Festival, in Rome, Italy,
ITALY ROME FILM FESTIVAL 연합뉴스20:00epa09542873 Argentine film producer Victoria Alonso poses during a photocall for the movie 'Eternals' at the 16th annual Rome International Film Festival, in
ITALY ROME FILM FESTIVAL 연합뉴스19:59epa09542874 Argentine film producer Victoria Alonso poses during a photocall for the movie 'Eternals' at the 16th annual Rome International Film Festival, in
China World Cup Short Track Speed Skating 연합뉴스19:58Attendants stand with trays of medals before the medal ceremony for the men's 5000m relay at the ISU World Cup Short Track speed skating competition, a test
China World Cup Short Track Speed Skating 연합뉴스19:58Members of the Netherlands team react after winning the men's 5000m relay at the ISU World Cup Short Track speed skating competition, a test event for the 20
China World Cup Short Track Speed Skating 연합뉴스19:58Wu Dajing of China, left, and Kim Dong-wook of South Korea fall while competing during the final of the men's 5000m relay at the ISU World Cup Short Track sp