"푸틴, 바이든과 연내 정상회담 가능..COP26은 안 간다" 뉴스121:33(서울=뉴스1) 강민경 기자 = 러시아 대통령궁(크렘린궁)은 연내 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령과 조 바이든 미국 대통령의 대면 회담이 성사될 가능성이 높다고 20일(현지시간...
FBI, '푸틴 측근' 러 억만장자 美자택 10시간 압수수색(종합) 연합뉴스21:32(서울·모스크바=연합뉴스) 전명훈 기자 유철종 특파원 = 미국 연방수사국(FBI)이 러시아 억만장자 올레그 데리파스카 회장과 연관된 자택 2곳을 동시에 압수수색했다고...
Britain Lawmaker Killed 연합뉴스21:31Floral tributes and pictures of British Member of Parliament David Amess lie placed outside the Houses of Parliament in London, Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2021. Bri
Maldives Climate Change 연합뉴스21:30FILE - In this Saturday, Oct. 17, 2009, file photo, Maldivian President Mohammed Nasheed signs a document calling on all countries to cut down their carbon d
Britain Lawmaker Killed 연합뉴스21:30Floral tributes and pictures of British Member of Parliament David Amess lie placed outside the Houses of Parliament in London, Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2021. Bri
"12살 딸 백신 맞고 숨져"..조사 요청한 中엄마 구금 조선일보21:26코로나 백신을 접종 받은 후 숨진 12살 딸에 대해 조사를 요청한 중국 여성이 공안에 체포돼 구금됐다는 보도가 나왔다. 19일 홍콩 사우스차이나모닝포스트(SCMP) 보도...
SWITZERLAND ARTS 연합뉴스21:25epa09534083 A cyclist passes a fountain by Swiss artist Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985) near the Kunstmuseum in Bern, Switzerland, 20 October 2021. The Kunstmuse
SWITZERLAND ARTS 연합뉴스21:25epa09534084 Visitors look at the painting/collage 'Husch-Husch, der schoenste Vokal entleert sich' by Swiss artist Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985) before the ope
[포토] 분화하는 일본 아소 화산 국민일보21:24일본 구마모토현의 활화산인 아소산이 20일 분화하면서 회색 화산재가 터져 나오고 있다. 일본 기상청과 언론에 따르면 화산재는 약 3.5㎞ 높이로 솟아 올랐고, 화구에...
SWITZERLAND ARTS 연합뉴스21:24epa09534085 A woman passes the painting 'An Evening in 1910, (Ein Abend im Jahre 1910)' by Swiss artist Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985) before the opening of th
SWITZERLAND ARTS 연합뉴스21:24epa09534082 Visitors walk by the sculpture 'The Green Spectator (Der gruene Zuschauer)' by Swiss artist Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985) before the opening of the
SWITZERLAND ARTS 연합뉴스21:24epa09534079 A visitor looks at the sculpture 'My Nurse (Mein Kindermaedchen)' by Swiss artist Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985) before the opening of the exhibitio
SWITZERLAND ARTS 연합뉴스21:23epa09534080 A woman looks at the painting 'New Stars' by Swiss artist Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985) before the opening of the exhibition 'Meret Oppenheim. Mon
SWITZERLAND ARTS 연합뉴스21:23epa09534077 German museum's director and curator of the retrospective, Nina Zimmer, speaks about the wooden sculpture 'Genoveva' by Swiss artist Meret Oppenh
SWITZERLAND ARTS 연합뉴스21:23epa09534081 German museum's director Nina Zimmer, curator of the retrospective on Swiss artist Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985), speaks before the opening of the