POLAND CORONAVIRUS VACCINES PROTEST 연합뉴스23:42epa09541497 People take part in a protest against COVID-19 vaccines in Gdansk, northern Poland, 23 October 2021. Poland has already distributed 38,589,845 do
POLAND CORONAVIRUS VACCINES PROTEST 연합뉴스23:42epa09541495 People take part in a protest against COVID-19 vaccines in Gdansk, northern Poland, 23 October 2021. Poland has already distributed 38,589,845 do
POLAND CORONAVIRUS VACCINES PROTEST 연합뉴스23:42epa09541498 People take part in a protest against COVID-19 vaccines in Gdansk, northern Poland, 23 October 2021. Poland has already distributed 38,589,845 do
POLAND CORONAVIRUS VACCINES PROTEST 연합뉴스23:42epa09541494 People take part in a protest against COVID-19 vaccines in Gdansk, northern Poland, 23 October 2021. Poland has already distributed 38,589,845 do
POLAND CORONAVIRUS VACCINES PROTEST 연합뉴스23:41epa09541493 People take part in a protest against COVID-19 vaccines in Gdansk, northern Poland, 23 October 2021. Poland has already distributed 38,589,845 do
미 재정적자 3천조원 역대 두번째..사상 최악은 벗어나 연합뉴스23:41(워싱턴=연합뉴스) 김경희 특파원 = 미국의 지난 회계연도 재정적자가 2조7천700억달러(한화 약 3천257조원)으로 역대 두 번째를 기록했다. 23일(현지시간) 미 재무부 ...
POLAND CORONAVIRUS VACCINES PROTEST 연합뉴스23:41epa09541496 People take part in a protest against COVID-19 vaccines in Gdansk, northern Poland, 23 October 2021. Poland has already distributed 38,589,845 do
POLAND CORONAVIRUS VACCINES PROTEST 연합뉴스23:41epa09541492 People take part in a protest against COVID-19 vaccines in Gdansk, northern Poland, 23 October 2021. Poland has already distributed 38,589,845 do
POLAND CORONAVIRUS VACCINES PROTEST 연합뉴스23:41epa09541490 People take part in a protest against COVID-19 vaccines in Gdansk, northern Poland, 23 October 2021. Poland has already distributed 38,589,845 do
POLAND CORONAVIRUS VACCINES PROTEST 연합뉴스23:41epa09541491 People take part in a protest against COVID-19 vaccines in Gdansk, northern Poland, 23 October 2021. Poland has already distributed 38,589,845 do
ITALY PANDEMIC COVID19 GREEN PASS PROTEST 연합뉴스23:41epa09541486 People hold banner and block a road during a protest against the Green pass in Ugo La Malfa square, Rome, Italy, 23 October 2021. The Italian gov
POLAND CORONAVIRUS VACCINES PROTEST 연합뉴스23:40epa09541488 People take part in a protest against COVID-19 vaccines in Gdansk, northern Poland, 23 October 2021. Poland has already distributed 38,589,845 do
POLAND CORONAVIRUS VACCINES PROTEST 연합뉴스23:40epa09541489 People take part in a protest against COVID-19 vaccines in Gdansk, northern Poland, 23 October 2021. Poland has already distributed 38,589,845 do
ITALY PANDEMIC COVID19 GREEN PASS PROTEST 연합뉴스23:40epa09541487 People hold placards during a protest against the Green pass in Ugo La Malfa square, Rome, Italy, 23 October 2021. The Italian government decided
ITALY ROME FILM FESTIVAL 연합뉴스23:39epa09541476 Artists and workers of the cinema and entertainment industry walk on the red carpet for the presentation of the movie 'Grido per un nuovo rinasci