SPAIN ROYALTY TECHNOLOGY 연합뉴스23:56epa09532278 Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal attends the opening of the 'Enlighted 2021 Hybrid Edition' education and innovation fair at Telefonica Foundat
SPAIN ROYALTY TECHNOLOGY 연합뉴스23:56epa09532281 Spain's King Felipe VI chairs the opening of the 'Enlighted 2021 Hybrid Edition' education and innovation fair at Telefonica Foundation in Madrid
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SPAIN ROYALTY TECHNOLOGY 연합뉴스23:55epa09532277 Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal attends the opening of the 'Enlighted 2021 Hybrid Edition' education and innovation fair at Telefonica Foundat
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영국서 이번엔 'AY.4.2.' 변이..전 세계 확산 전조 경계 뉴시스23:53기사내용 요약 코로나19 델타 변이 하위계통 'AY.4.2.' 확산 "잠재적 감염 가능성 약간 더 높아…재앙적인 건 아니다" 7월부터 봉쇄 전면 해제…마스크 착용 등 재도입 ...
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USA SENATE MAGNUS CUSTOMS AGENCY 연합뉴스23:48epa09532262 Chris Magnus testifies before the Senate Finance Committee on his nomination to be the next US Customs and Border Protection commissioner in the
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Iraq Protests 연합뉴스23:48Protesters denounce election results and call for a manual recount of the November 10 parliamentary vote, outside the heavily fortified Green Zone, in Baghda
Virus Outbreak Russia 연합뉴스23:48A medic wearing a special suit to protect against coronavirus sits near a patient with coronavirus at an ICU at the Moscow City Clinical Hospital 52, in Mosc
USA SENATE MAGNUS CUSTOMS AGENCY 연합뉴스23:48epa09532261 Chris Magnus testifies before the Senate Finance Committee on his nomination to be the next US Customs and Border Protection commissioner in the
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'SLBM 추정' 북 시험 규탄한 미 대응은..아직은 대화에 방점 연합뉴스23:45(워싱턴=연합뉴스) 류지복 특파원 = 미국이 한국시간 19일 잠수함발사탄도미사일(SLBM)로 추정되는 북한의 단거리 탄도미사일 시험 발사에 촉각을 곤두세우는 분위기다....