ITALY CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC COVID19 연합뉴스23:53epa08979938 People visit 'Camera' gallery as Piedmont becomes a yellow zone, Turin, Italy, 01 Februaru 2021. COVID-19 restrictions came down in many parts of
ITALY CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC COVID19 연합뉴스23:52epa08979937 People visit 'Camera' gallery as Piedmont becomes a yellow zone, Turin, Italy, 01 Februaru 2021. COVID-19 restrictions came down in many parts of
BOSNIA NATIONAL MUSEUM 연합뉴스23:52epa08979931 A woman looks at exhibits inside the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 01 February 2021. The museum
BOSNIA NATIONAL MUSEUM 연합뉴스23:52epa08979932 A view of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 01 February 2021. The museum is the oldest in the co
ITALY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:50epa08979909 People visit the Colosseum on the first day of reopening as Rome returns to being a 'yellow zone', in Rome, Italy, 01 February 2021. Most region
ITALY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:50epa08979911 People visit the Colosseum on the first day of reopening as Rome returns to being a 'yellow zone', in Rome, Italy, 01 February 2021. Most region
ITALY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:50epa08979907 People visit the Colosseum on the first day of reopening as Rome returns to being a 'yellow zone', in Rome, Italy, 01 February 2021. Most region
ITALY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:50epa08979908 People visit the Villa Borghese on the first day of reopening as Rome returns to being a 'yellow zone', in Rome, Italy, 01 February 2021. Most r
ITALY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:49epa08979910 People visit the Colosseum on the first day of reopening as Rome returns to being a 'yellow zone', in Rome, Italy, 01 February 2021. Most region
ITALY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:49epa08979903 People visit the Colosseum on the first day of reopening as Rome returns to being a 'yellow zone', in Rome, Italy, 01 February 2021. Most region
ITALY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:49epa08979906 People visit the Vatican Museums on the first day of reopening as Rome returns to being a 'yellow zone', in Rome, Italy, 01 February 2021. Most
日, 신규 확진 1792명·사망 80명..42일 만에 1000명대 뉴시스23:49[서울=뉴시스] 신정원 기자 = 1일 일본의 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 신규 확진자가 42일 만에 1000명대로 줄었다. NHK에 따르면 이날 오후 7시30분 현재 일...
ITALY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:49epa08979900 People visit the Vatican Museums on the first day of reopening as Rome returns to being a 'yellow zone', in Rome, Italy, 01 February 2021. Most
ITALY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:49epa08979905 A view of the Colosseum on the first day of reopening as Rome returns to being a 'yellow zone', in Rome, Italy, 01 February 2021. Most regions h
ITALY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:49epa08979902 People visit the Colosseum on the first day of reopening as Rome returns to being a 'yellow zone', in Rome, Italy, 01 February 2021. Most region