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  • Peru Quechua Endures
    Peru Quechua Endures 연합뉴스 · 22:04
    A family buys quail eggs from an Indigenous vendor in Huamanga, Peru, Thursday, Sept. 2, 2021. Halting efforts to promote the Quechua language hit the spotli...
  • APTOPIX Peru Quechua Endures
    APTOPIX Peru Quechua Endures 연합뉴스 · 22:04
    Books written in the Quechua Indigenous language sit behind a student during a class on medicinal plants, at a public primary school in Licapa, Peru, Wednesd
  • France Attacks Trial
    France Attacks Trial 연합뉴스 · 22:03
    FILE - Sept.8, 2021 file sketch shows key defendant Salah Abdeslam, right, and Mohammed Abrini in the special courtroom built for the 2015 attacks trial. The
  • Peru Quechua Endures
    Peru Quechua Endures 연합뉴스 · 22:03
    Alicia Cisneros teaches the Quechua Indigenous language to primary school students at a public school in Licapa, Peru, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021. Peru´s new
  • Peru Quechua Endures
    Peru Quechua Endures 연합뉴스 · 22:03
    Students play volleyball during recess at a bilingual public primary school in Licapa, Peru, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021. In 1975, a nationalist military govern
  • Peru Quechua Endures
    Peru Quechua Endures 연합뉴스 · 22:02
    Leila Ccaico, 11, plays with one of her family's alpacas on her family's land in Licapa, Peru, Thursday, Sept. 2, 2021. Ccaico, whose parents are alpaca herd
  • Peru Quechua Endures
    Peru Quechua Endures 연합뉴스 · 22:02
    Students attend Quechua Indigenous language class at a public primary school in Licapa, Peru, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021. The school began to teach Quechua for
  • WHO "주간 코로나19 확진자, 2개월여 만에 상당한 감소"
    WHO "주간 코로나19 확진자, 2개월여 만에 상당한 감소" 연합뉴스 · 22:02
    (제네바=연합뉴스) 임은진 특파원 = 세계보건기구(WHO)는 최근 전 세계 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 주간 확진자 수가 상당히 감소했다고 밝혔다. 15일(현지...
  • DoorDash-Consumer Data
    DoorDash-Consumer Data 연합뉴스 · 22:02
    FILE - This Feb. 27, 2020 shows the DoorDash app on a smartphone in New York. DoorDash is suing New York City over a new law that requires delivery companies
  • France Abu Dhabi
    France Abu Dhabi 연합뉴스 · 22:01
    France's President Emmanuel Macron, right, welcomes the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, at the Fontainebleau c
  • 탈레반 "알카에다 등 테러조직과 절연" 거듭 약속.. 미·EU는 반신반의
    탈레반 "알카에다 등 테러조직과 절연" 거듭 약속.. 미·EU는 반신반의 한국일보 · 22:00
    아프가니스탄에 새 정부를 수립한 이슬람 무장조직 탈레반이 ‘테러 단체와의 관계 단절’ 방침을 거듭 천명했다. 알카에다나 이슬람국가(IS) 등 극단주의 테러 조직이 ...
  • 文 대통령 만난 中 왕이 "각국의 핵심이익과 관심사 존중해야"
    文 대통령 만난 中 왕이 "각국의 핵심이익과 관심사 존중해야" 아시아경제 · 21:58
    [아시아경제 최동현 기자] 한국을 방문한 왕이 중국 외교담당 국무위원 겸 외교부장이 15일 문재인 대통령을 예방한 자리에서 한중 양국이 "각자 핵심 이익과 주요 관심...
    epa09469517 A girl help her mother to earn money cleaning carpets in the village of Koy-Tash near Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan, 15 September 2021. Child labor remain
    epa09469519 A boy on horseback grazes a flock of sheep in the village of Koy-Tash near Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan, 15 September 2021. Child labor remains one of the
    epa09469518 A girl works as a street vendor on Osh Bazaar one of the largest bazaars in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 15 September 2021. Child labor remains one of th
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