RUSSIA PEOPLE WAGNER 연합뉴스23:58epa10894051 Men in military uniform pay tribute to PMC Wagner Group's late chief Yevgeny Prigozhin at an informal memorial on the 40th day since his death, n
RUSSIA PEOPLE WAGNER 연합뉴스23:58epa10894047 A portrait of PMC Wagner Group's late chief Yevgeny Prigozhin at an informal memorial on the 40th day since his death, near the Kremlin in Moscow
RUSSIA PEOPLE WAGNER 연합뉴스23:58epa10894053 Men in military uniform pay tribute to PMC Wagner Group's late chief Yevgeny Prigozhin at an informal memorial on the 40th day since his death, n
CORRECTION China Asian Games Athletics 연합뉴스23:56From left, Uzbekistan's Ekaterina Voronina, silver, China’s Zheng Ninali, gold, and India's Nandini Agasara, bronze, celebrate on the podium during the vict
스페인 무르시아 나이트클럽서 화재…사망자 13명으로 늘어 SBS23:51스페인의 나이트클럽에서 주말 이른 아침 불이 나 최소 13명이 숨졌다고 AFP, 로이터 통신이 보도했습니다. 애초 6명으로 알려진 사망자가 수색 진행 과정에 따라 점차 ...
북, 국경개방에도 유럽외교재개 아직?…독일 "빈협약 위반 지속" 연합뉴스23:48(베를린=연합뉴스) 이율 특파원 = 북한이 지난달 25일부터 전 세계적인 코로나19 대유행 이후 걸어 잠갔던 국경을 3년 8개월 만에 개방하고, 외국인 입국을 허용했지만,...
日 초당파 의원단 7~10일 대만 방문…"총통선거 전 등거리 외교" 뉴시스23:46[서울=뉴시스]이재준 기자 = 일본 초당파 의원연맹은 오는 7~10일 대만을 공식 방문한다고 닛케이와 산케이 신문 등이 1일 보도했다. 매체에 따르면 일화의원간담회(日...
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TURKEY ATTACK 연합뉴스23:36epa10894023 Turkish Minister of Interior, Ali Yerlikaya (C) speaks to reporters after a suicide attack near the Turkish Interior Ministry in Ankara, Turkey,
TURKEY PARLIAMENT 연합뉴스23:29epa10893994 Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (C-R) arrives to attend the opening of the new legislative year of the Parliament in Ankara, Turkey, 01 O
Italy Ryder Cup Golf 연합뉴스23:28Europe's Tyrrell Hatton celebrates after winning his singles match on the 16th green 3&2 at the Ryder Cup golf tournament at the Marco Simone Golf Club in Gu
TURKEY PARLIAMENT 연합뉴스23:28epa10893998 Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (3-L) is welcomed upon arrival at the opening of the new legislative year of the Parliament in Ankara, Tu
TURKEY PARLIAMENT 연합뉴스23:28epa10894000 Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks at the opening of the new legislative year of the Parliament in Ankara, Turkey, 01 October 2023. E
TURKEY PARLIAMENT 연합뉴스23:28epa10894001 Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks at the opening of the new legislative year of the Parliament in Ankara, Turkey, 01 October 2023. E
TURKEY PARLIAMENT 연합뉴스23:28epa10894002 Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) speaks at the opening of the new legislative year of the Parliament in Ankara, Turkey, 01 October 202