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관련 서비스

  • Virus Outbreak Lebanon
    Virus Outbreak Lebanon 연합뉴스 · 23:26
    Police officers speak to a driver at a checkpoint while inspecting cars for violating a lockdown to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, in Beirut Leb
  • ECB, 기준금리 동결..코로나19 대응채권 매입규모 유지
    ECB, 기준금리 동결..코로나19 대응채권 매입규모 유지 한국경제TV · 23:26
    [한국경제TV 조시형 기자] 유럽중앙은행(ECB)이 21일(현지시간) 기준금리를 0%로 동결했다. ECB는 이날 독일 프랑크푸르트에서 열린 통화정책회의에서 기준금리를 현행 ...
  • ECB, 제로금리 유지..코로나19 대응 채권매입 지속
    ECB, 제로금리 유지..코로나19 대응 채권매입 지속 뉴시스 · 23:25
    [서울=뉴시스] 이재우 기자 = 유럽중앙은행(ECB)이 21일(현지시간) 기준금리를 0% 수준으로 동결했다. 유로존 국가의 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 충격 대응...
  • Biden Inauguration Security
    Biden Inauguration Security 연합뉴스 · 23:24
    National Guard walk around Washington the day after the inauguration of President Joe Biden, Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez) ...
  • Virus Outbreak Lebanon
    Virus Outbreak Lebanon 연합뉴스 · 23:23
    A man walks on a deserted waterfront promenade during a lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus, in Beirut Lebanon, Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021.
  • Virus Outbreak Lebanon
    Virus Outbreak Lebanon 연합뉴스 · 23:23
    A food deliveryman on a scooter moves in an empty tunnel during a lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus, in Beirut Lebanon, Thursday, Jan.
  • Virus Outbreak Lebanon
    Virus Outbreak Lebanon 연합뉴스 · 23:22
    The Ramlet al-Baida public beach is empty during a lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus, in Beirut Lebanon, Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021. Autho
  • Virus Outbreak Lebanon
    Virus Outbreak Lebanon 연합뉴스 · 23:20
    A highway is almost empty of cars during a lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus, in Beirut Lebanon, Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021. Authorities o
  • Biden Inauguration
    Biden Inauguration 연합뉴스 · 23:18
    Workers begin to remove a display of flags on the National Mall one day after the inauguration of President Joe Biden, Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021, in Washington...
  • Spain Catalonia Election
    Spain Catalonia Election 연합뉴스 · 23:18
    An "estelada" or independence flag hangs on a balcony in downtown Barcelona, Spain, Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021. A regional election in Catalonia, initially set
    epa08955553 Riot police gather during protest by activists of the Nepalese Communist party against the Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli in Kathmandu, Nepal, 21
    epa08955554 A handout shakemap made available by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) shows the location of a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hitting the Dava
    epa08955552 Activists of the Nepalese Communist party and riot police scuffle during torch protest against the Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli in Kathmandu, N
  • 미국, 실업수당 신청자 90만명..전년동기보다 70만명 많아
    미국, 실업수당 신청자 90만명..전년동기보다 70만명 많아 뉴시스 · 23:17
    [서울=뉴시스] 김재영 기자 = 미국에서 지난주(1월10일~16일) 실업수당을 처음 신청한 실직자 수가 90만 명으로 직전주보다 2만6000명이 줄었다고 21일 미 노동부가 발...
  • Music Grammywatch Female Engineer
    Music Grammywatch Female Engineer 연합뉴스 · 23:17
    FILE - Chris Martin of Coldplay performs in Toronto on Aug. 21, 2017. Coldplay's "Everyday Life" is nominated for a Grammy Award for best album. The 63rd A
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