JAPAN TRADITIONS 연합뉴스20:57epa11605444 Samba dancers parade during the 39th Asakusa Samba Carnival parade contest in Tokyo, Japan, 15 September 2024. The full-scale Asakusa Samba Carni
JAPAN TRADITIONS 연합뉴스20:57epa11605447 Revelers look at samba dancers (not pictured) parading past the Kaminarimon Gate of the Sensoji Temple during the 39th Asakusa Samba Carnival par
JAPAN TRADITIONS 연합뉴스20:57epa11605441 Samba dancers parade during the 39th Asakusa Samba Carnival parade contest in Tokyo, Japan, 15 September 2024. The full-scale Asakusa Samba Carni
JAPAN TRADITIONS 연합뉴스20:57epa11605439 Samba dancers parade during the 39th Asakusa Samba Carnival parade contest in Tokyo, Japan, 15 September 2024. The full-scale Asakusa Samba Carni
13호 태풍 버빙카 접근으로 상하이 공항 항공편 600편 이상 취소 뉴시스20:56[닝보(중국 저장성)=신화/뉴시스]13호 태푸우 버빙카가 15일 중국 동부 저장(浙江)성에 접근하면서 여객선 터미널이 폐쇄돼 있다. 상하이 공항들이 16일 아침 일찍 상륙...
JAPAN TRADITIONS 연합뉴스20:56epa11605438 Samba dancers parade during the 39th Asakusa Samba Carnival parade contest in Tokyo, Japan, 15 September 2024. The full-scale Asakusa Samba Carni
JAPAN TRADITIONS 연합뉴스20:56epa11605449 Samba dancers parade past the Kaminarimon Gate of the Sensoji Temple during the 39th Asakusa Samba Carnival parade contest in Tokyo, Japan, 15 Se
JAPAN TRADITIONS 연합뉴스20:56epa11605440 Samba dancers parade during the 39th Asakusa Samba Carnival parade contest in Tokyo, Japan, 15 September 2024. The full-scale Asakusa Samba Carni
JAPAN TRADITIONS 연합뉴스20:56epa11605450 Samba dancers parade past the Kaminarimon Gate of the Sensoji Temple during the 39th Asakusa Samba Carnival parade contest in Tokyo, Japan, 15 Se
JAPAN TRADITIONS 연합뉴스20:56epa11605446 Samba dancers parade during the 39th Asakusa Samba Carnival parade contest in Tokyo, Japan, 15 September 2024. The full-scale Asakusa Samba Carni
중국 "심자외선 노광장비 중요한 기술적 도약" 주장 아시아경제20:56중국이 자국산 심자외선(DUV) 노광장비 2종에서 중요한 기술적 도약을 이뤘다고 주장했다. 15일 홍콩 사우스차이나모닝포스트(SCMP)는 중국 공업정보화부가 이번 주 발...
중국, 태풍 '버빙카' 접근…교통편 중단하고 폭우·강풍 경고 노컷뉴스20:51핵심요약중국 상하이 기상당국, 오후 2시 최고 수준 대응 중국이 제13호 태풍 '버빙카'가 접근함에 따라 주민을 대피시키고 교통편 운행을 중단했다. 로이터·블룸버그 ...
Germany Bridge Collapse Floods 연합뉴스20:51A view of the partially collapsed Carolabrücke bridge over the Elbe, which is rising rapidly due to upcoming flood waters, in front of the state chancellery
Germany Bridge Collapse Floods 연합뉴스20:50Spectators look at the partially collapsed Carolabrücke bridge over the Elbe, which is rising rapidly due to upcoming flood waters, in front of the state ch
Germany Bridge Collapse Floods 연합뉴스20:46Spectators look at the partially collapsed Carolabrücke bridge over the Elbe, which is rising rapidly due to upcoming flood waters, in front of the state ch