Election 2024 Trump 연합뉴스09:21Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks during a "Fighting Anti-Semitism in America" event, Thursday, Sept. 19 2024, in Washin...
Monaco Soccer Champions League 연합뉴스09:21Monaco's George Ilenikhena celebrates with his teammates at the end of the Champions League opening phase soccer match against Barcelona at the Louis II stad
Courthouse Shooting Kentucky 연합뉴스09:20This undated photo provided by Kentucky Court of Justice shows slain District Judge Kevin Mullins. (Kentucky Court of Justice via AP) AP PROVIDES ACCESS TO T
Nationals Cubs Baseball 연합뉴스09:20Washington Nationals starting pitcher Patrick Corbin throws against the Chicago Cubs during the first inning of a baseball game Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in ...
오타니, MLB 최초 '50-50' 달성…마이애미전서 3홈런 2도루 추가(종합2보) 연합뉴스09:20(서울=연합뉴스) 김경윤 기자 = 슈퍼스타 오타니 쇼헤이(30·로스앤젤레스 다저스)가 마침내 전인미답의 50홈런-50도루 대기록을 세웠다. 오타니는 20일(한국시간) 미국...
[그래픽] 미국 뉴욕 증시 3대 지수 추이 연합뉴스09:19(서울=연합뉴스) 박영석 김영은 기자 = 19일(현지시간) 뉴욕증시의 주요 주가지수가 전날 연방준비제도(Fed·연준)의 '빅컷'(0.50%포인트) 영향에 낙관론이 되살아나면...
Nationals Cubs Baseball 연합뉴스09:19Washington Nationals starting pitcher Patrick Corbin throws against the Chicago Cubs during the first inning of a baseball game Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in ...
Dodgers Marlins Baseball 연합뉴스09:19Los Angeles Dodgers' Shohei Ohtani (17) is congratulated by a coach at the end of a baseball game against the Miami Marlins, Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Mia...
젤렌스키, '미사일 공격 제한 해제' 요구… 바이든·해리스와 회담 머니S09:18우크라이나 볼로디미르 젤렌스키 대통령이 미국을 방문에 조 바이든 대통령과 카멀라 해리스 부통령을 만날 예정이다. 사진은 지난 7월11일 미국 워싱턴DC에서 열린 나...
USA TRUMP ANTISEMITISM 연합뉴스09:17epa11614930 Miriam Adelson, widow of Republican donor Sheldon Adelson, prepares to speak at an event billed as 'fighting antisemitism in America' in Washingt
USA TRUMP ANTISEMITISM 연합뉴스09:16epa11614928 US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (R) kisses Miriam Adelson (L), widow of Republican donor Sheldon Adelson at an event billed as
Mexico Earthquake Drill Anniversary 연합뉴스09:16People gather at a meeting point outside Álvaro Obregón 286, a building that collapsed in a 2017 earthquake, during the annual earthquake drill that marks
USA TRUMP ANTISEMITISM 연합뉴스09:16epa11614927 US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (R) kisses Miriam Adelson (L), widow of Republican donor Sheldon Adelson at an event billed as
USA TRUMP ANTISEMITISM 연합뉴스09:16epa11614926 US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (R) kisses Miriam Adelson (L), widow of Republican donor Sheldon Adelson at an event billed as
오타니 50-50 대업 달성, 김도영은 40-40 달성할까? 뉴스109:15(서울=뉴스1) 박형기 권혁준 기자 = 미국 메이저리그의 슈퍼스타 오타니 쇼헤이(30. LA다저스)가 50-50(홈런 50-도루 50)을 달성하자 한국 프로야구의 슈퍼스타 김도영...