[뉴욕개장] 광업주 강세에 일제히 상승 출발 뉴스123:59(서울=뉴스1) 박병진 기자 = 지난주 3%가 넘는 주간 하락률을 보인 뉴욕증시가 1일(현지시간) 광업주 호조에 힘입어 상승 출발했다. 이날 오전 9시36분 현재 뉴욕증권거...
(FILE) JAPAN ECONOMY NINTENDO 연합뉴스23:46epa08979897 (FILE) - A statue of Nintendo Co.'s video game character Super Mario stands at the company's showroom in Tokyo, Japan, 27 July 2016 (reissued 01
(FILE) JAPAN ECONOMY NINTENDO RESULTS 연합뉴스23:45epa08979896 (FILE) - A customer rides an escalator past advertisement for Nintendo products at an electronics retailing store in Tokyo, Japan, 25 April 2019
(FILE) SPAIN ECONOMY BANCO SABADELL 연합뉴스23:31epa08979890 (FILE) View of the Sabadell bank headquarters in Barcelona, Spain, 28 July 2017 (reissued 01 January 2021). Spanish leading bank Banco Sabadell r
(FILE) SPAIN ECONOMY BANCO SABADELL 연합뉴스23:31epa08979889 (FILE) - Banco de Sabadell, S.A. signage at a bank branch in Malaga, Spain, 25 October 2018 (reissued 01 January 2021). Spanish leading bank Ban
블링컨 "바이든, 한반도 비핵화 위해 대북정책 전반적 검토" 뉴스123:22(서울=뉴스1) 박병진 기자 = 토니 블링컨 미국 국무장관은 조 바이든 대통령이 한반도 비핵화를 위해 대북 정책을 전반적으로 검토하고 있다면서 추가 제재와 외교적 인...
AFGHANISTAN PLASTIC BAG FACTORY 연합뉴스23:21epa08979867 Afghan laborers work at a factory that produces plastic bags in Herat, Afghanistan, 01 February 2021. The factory produces around 10 tons of plas
AFGHANISTAN PLASTIC BAG FACTORY 연합뉴스23:21epa08979866 Afghan laborers work at a factory that produces plastic bags in Herat, Afghanistan, 01 February 2021. The factory produces around 10 tons of plas
AFGHANISTAN PLASTIC BAG FACTORY 연합뉴스23:21epa08979860 Afghan laborers work at a factory that produces plastic bags in Herat, Afghanistan, 01 February 2021. The factory produces around 10 tons of plas
AFGHANISTAN PLASTIC BAG FACTORY 연합뉴스23:21epa08979865 Afghan laborers work at a factory that produces plastic bags in Herat, Afghanistan, 01 February 2021. The factory produces around 10 tons of plas
AFGHANISTAN PLASTIC BAG FACTORY 연합뉴스23:21epa08979859 Afghan laborers work at a factory that produces plastic bags in Herat, Afghanistan, 01 February 2021. The factory produces around 10 tons of plas
AFGHANISTAN PLASTIC BAG FACTORY 연합뉴스23:21epa08979863 Afghan laborers work at a factory that produces plastic bags in Herat, Afghanistan, 01 February 2021. The factory produces around 10 tons of plas
AFGHANISTAN PLASTIC BAG FACTORY 연합뉴스23:21epa08979864 Afghan laborers work at a factory that produces plastic bags in Herat, Afghanistan, 01 February 2021. The factory produces around 10 tons of plas
AFGHANISTAN PLASTIC BAG FACTORY 연합뉴스23:21epa08979862 Afghan laborers work at a factory that produces plastic bags in Herat, Afghanistan, 01 February 2021. The factory produces around 10 tons of plas
AFGHANISTAN PLASTIC BAG FACTORY 연합뉴스23:21epa08979857 Afghan laborers work at a factory that produces plastic bags in Herat, Afghanistan, 01 February 2021. The factory produces around 10 tons of plas