"미국, 차기 WTO 사무총장 누구 택할지 적극 검토 중" 뉴스102:43(서울=뉴스1) 최서윤 기자 = 유명희 산업통상자원부 통상교섭본부장이 출마한 세계무역기구(WTO) 사무총장 선출과 관련해 미국이 누구를 선택할지 검토에 들어간 것으로...
SPAIN ECONOMY STOCK MARKET 연합뉴스02:39epa08973554 Screens display market values at the Spanish stock market headquarters in Madrid, Spain, 29 January 2021. The IBEX 35, the main index of the Span
SPAIN STOCK MARKET 연합뉴스02:39epa08973555 Screens display market values at the Spanish stock market headquarters in Madrid, Spain, 29 January 2021. The IBEX 35, the main index of the Span
美 증권거래위, 게임스탑 사건 관련 "면밀히 조사할 것" 뉴스102:15(서울=뉴스1) 최서윤 기자 = 미국 증권거래위원회(SEC)는 29일(현지시간) 게임스톱 사건과 관련해 "위법행위가 있었는지 밝힐 것"이라며 "개인 투자자들의 반발을 촉발...
바이든 행정부 "미중 1차 무역협정 면밀히 검토할 것" 뉴스102:11(서울=뉴스1) 윤다혜 기자 = 조 바이든 행정부가 지난 2019년 1월 체결된 1차 미중 무역협정을 면밀히 검토할 것이라고 밝혔다. 29일 로이터통신에 따르면 젠 사키 대변...
SPAIN DAVOS FORUM IBERO-AMERICA 연합뉴스01:15epa08973297 Vice President of the World Bank for Latin America and the Caribbean Carlos Felipe Jaramillo takes part in a debate organized by Spanish internat
SPAIN DAVOS FORUM IBERO-AMERICA 연합뉴스01:14epa08973296 Participants take part via video conference in a debate organized by Spanish international news agency Efe in the framework of the Davos Internat
SPAIN DAVOS FORUM IBERO-AMERICA 연합뉴스01:13epa08973291 Vice President of the Latin American Development Bank CAF Pablo Sanguinetti takes part in a debate organized by Spanish international news agency
SPAIN DAVOS FORUM IBERO-AMERICA 연합뉴스01:09epa08973282 Secretary General for Ibero-America Rebeca Grynspan takes part in a debate organized by Spanish international news agency Efe in the framework of
SPAIN DAVOS FORUM IBERO-AMERICA 연합뉴스01:09epa08973281 President of the Latin American Development Bank Mauricio Claver-Carone takes part in a debate organized by Spanish international news agency Efe
SPAIN DAVOS FORUM IBERO-AMERICA 연합뉴스01:08epa08973276 Director of the IMF West Hemisphere Department Alejandro Werner takes part in a debate organized by Spanish international news agency Efe in the
SPAIN DAVOS FORUM IBERO-AMERICA 연합뉴스01:05epa08973274 (L-R top row) Spanish news agency EFE President Gabriela Canas, Vice President of the World Bank for Latin America and the Caribbean Carlos Felip
SPAIN DAVOS FORUM IBERO-AMERICA 연합뉴스01:03epa08973273 Secretary General for Ibero-America Rebeca Grynspan (L) and President of Spanish international news agency EFE Gabriela Canas (R) take part in a
SPAIN DAVOS FORUM IBERO-AMERICA 연합뉴스01:02epa08973266 Secretary General for Ibero-America Rebeca Grynspan (L) and President of Spanish international news agency EFE Gabriela Canas pose ahead of a deb
SPAIN DAVOS FORUM IBERO-AMERICA 연합뉴스01:01epa08973265 Secretary General for Ibero-America Rebeca Grynspan (R) and President of Spanish international news agency EFE Gabriela Canas pose ahead of a deb