DENMARK PEOPLE JOHN LENNON AUCTION 연합뉴스04:07epa09493886 A cassette with the recording of four Danish schoolboys' interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono during the famous couple's winter stay in Thy,
DENMARK PEOPLE JOHN LENNON AUCTION 연합뉴스03:03epa09493676 A cassette with the recording of four Danish schoolboys' interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono during the famous couple's winter stay in Thy,
DENMARK PEOPLE JOHN LENNON AUCTION 연합뉴스03:03epa09493677 A cassette with the recording of four Danish schoolboys' interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono during the famous couple's winter stay in Thy,
독일 최초 트랜스젠더 연방의원 탄생 중앙일보00:0327일(현지시간) 독일 국제방송 DW와 로이터통신 등에 따르면 전날 연방의회 총선거와 동시에 치러진 지방선거에서 독일 처음으로 성전환 여성 의원이 탄생했다. 녹색당 ...