USA GRAVESTONES 연합뉴스04:42epa09470444 Recovered African American cemetery gravestones, sold as scrap in the 1960s, sit on palettes awaiting transfer to a cemetery in Maryland, at Cale
USA GRAVESTONES 연합뉴스04:41epa09470441 Recovered African American cemetery gravestones, sold as scrap in the 1960s, sit on palettes awaiting transfer to a cemetery in Maryland, at Cale
USA GRAVESTONES 연합뉴스04:40epa09470438 Recovered African American cemetery gravestones, sold as scrap in the 1960s, sit on palettes awaiting transfer to a cemetery in Maryland, at Cale
USA GRAVESTONES 연합뉴스04:40epa09470434 Recovered African American cemetery gravestones, sold as scrap in the 1960s, sit on palettes awaiting transfer to a cemetery in Maryland, at Cale
USA GRAVESTONES 연합뉴스04:40epa09470437 Recovered African American cemetery gravestones, sold as scrap in the 1960s, sit on palettes awaiting transfer to a cemetery in Maryland, at Cale
USA GRAVESTONES 연합뉴스04:39epa09470440 Recovered African American cemetery gravestones, sold as scrap in the 1960s, sit on palettes awaiting transfer to a cemetery in Maryland, at Cale
USA GRAVESTONES 연합뉴스04:38epa09470435 Recovered African American cemetery gravestones, sold as scrap in the 1960s, sit on palettes awaiting transfer to a cemetery in Maryland, at Cale
USA GRAVESTONES 연합뉴스04:37epa09470439 Recovered African American cemetery gravestones, sold as scrap in the 1960s, sit on palettes awaiting transfer to a cemetery in Maryland, at Cale
USA GRAVESTONES 연합뉴스04:35epa09470433 Recovered African American cemetery gravestones, sold as scrap in the 1960s, sit on palettes awaiting transfer to a cemetery in Maryland, at Cale
NETHERLANDS ROYALTY 연합뉴스04:29epa09470415 Dutch Queen Maxima (R) is spontaneously offered flowers by a girl dance group during a tour of the House of Culture and Administration of the mun
NETHERLANDS ROYALTY 연합뉴스04:29epa09470411 Dutch Queen Maxima arrives at the House of Culture and Administration of the municipality of Midden-Groningen, in Hoogezand, The Netherlands, 15
NETHERLANDS ROYALTY 연합뉴스04:29epa09470410 Dutch Queen Maxima, together with three primary school students, opens the House of Culture and Administration of the municipality of Midden-Gron
NETHERLANDS ROYALTY 연합뉴스04:29epa09470409 Dutch Queen Maxima arrives at the House of Culture and Administration of the municipality of Midden-Groningen, in Hoogezand, The Netherlands, 15
獨 부동산 실망·佛 방역 불만에 흔들리는 유럽 정치 지형 동아일보03:03코로나19 백신 접종증명서 의무화 등 에마뉘엘 마크롱 프랑스 대통령의 방역 정책을 비판하는 수도 파리 시민들이 11일 파리 7구에서 대규모 시위를 벌였다. 이들이 든 ...
RUSSIA DAILY LIFE 연합뉴스00:44epa09469777 A woman wearing a protective face mask walks through the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, 15 September 2021. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV [이 시각 많이 본 기...