GERMANY LITERATURE PEACE PRIZE 연합뉴스20:39epa09542962 Kenyan-British sociologist and activist Auma Obama gives the laudatio during the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade ceremony at the Paulskirche
Italy Soccer Serie A 연합뉴스20:39Atalanta's Giuseppe Pezzella is fouled by Udinese's Jens Stryger Larsen during the Italian Serie A soccer match between Atalanta and Udinese at the Gewiss S
GERMANY LITERATURE PEACE PRIZE 연합뉴스20:39epa09542958 City Councilor Mirrianne Mahn (R, Die Gruenen/The Greens) interrupts Frankfurt Mayor Peter Feldmann's speech on racism and right-wing tendencies
"건물 전체 움직이는 느낌"..타이완 규모 6.5 지진 SBS20:39<앵커> 오늘(24일) 낮 타이완에서 규모 6.5의 지진이 발생했습니다. 전 지역에서 감지될 만큼 올해 타이완에서 발생한 가장 강력한 지진이었는데, 다행히 인명피해는 없...
GERMANY LITERATURE PEACE PRIZE 연합뉴스20:38epa09542956 City Councilor Mirrianne Mahn (R, Die Gruenen/The Greens) interrupts Frankfurt Mayor Peter Feldmann's speech on racism and right-wing tendencies
GERMANY LITERATURE PEACE PRIZE 연합뉴스20:38epa09542961 Kenyan-British sociologist and activist Auma Obama gives the laudatio during the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade ceremony at the Paulskirche
CHINA-GANSU-LANZHOU-COVID-19-TESTING (CN) 연합뉴스20:38(211024) -- LANZHOU, Oct. 24, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Citizens queue up to receive nucleic acid test at a testing site in Chengguan District of Lanzhou, northwest C
GERMANY LITERATURE PEACE PRIZE 연합뉴스20:37epa09542960 City Councilor Mirrianne Mahn (front, Die Gruenen/The Greens) interrupts Frankfurt Mayor Peter Feldmann's speech on racism and right-wing tendenc
CHINA-GANSU-LANZHOU-COVID-19-TESTING (CN) 연합뉴스20:37(211024) -- LANZHOU, Oct. 24, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Aerial photo shows citizens queuing up to receive nucleic acid test at a testing site in Chengguan District of
CHINA-GANSU-LANZHOU-COVID-19-TESTING (CN) 연합뉴스20:37(211024) -- LANZHOU, Oct. 24, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Aerial photo shows citizens queuing up to receive nucleic acid test at a testing site in Chengguan District of
GERMANY LITERATURE PEACE PRIZE 연합뉴스20:35epa09542957 City Councilor Mirrianne Mahn (R, Die Gruenen/The Greens) interrupts Frankfurt Mayor Peter Feldmann's speech on racism and right-wing tendencies
중·러 해군, 일본 열도 일주 무력시위 경향신문20:31[경향신문] 중국과 러시아 함대가 오스미해협을 통과해 일본 열도를 거의 한 바퀴 도는 합동 군사훈련을 했다. 미국의 동맹국인 일본을 상대로 무력시위를 한 것으로 해...
GERMANY LITERATURE PEACE PRIZE 연합뉴스20:30epa09542946 Kenyan-British sociologist and activist Auma Obama gives the laudatio during the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade ceremony at the Paulskirche
인도서 3억 명이 사용하는데.. 페이스북, 종교 갈등·폭력 방치했다 한국일보20:30세계 최대 사회관계망서비스(SNS) 페이스북에서 증오와 범죄를 부추기는 콘텐츠가 판을 치는 건 더 이상 일부 국가에 한정된 현상이 아니다. 이번에는 인구의 4분의 1 ...
GERMANY LITERATURE PEACE PRIZE 연합뉴스20:28epa09542945 Kenyan-British sociologist and activist Auma Obama gives the laudatio during the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade ceremony at the Paulskirche