Dubai Union Properties 연합뉴스21:11A Union Properties construction project in Dubai Motor City unfinished for years is seen in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021. Emirati prose
Austria Alpine Skiing World Cup 연합뉴스21:07Switzerland's Justin Murisier speeds down the course during an alpine ski, men's World Cup giant slalom, in Soelden, Austria, Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021. (AP Phot...
Austria Alpine Skiing World Cup 연합뉴스21:07Switzerland's Justin Murisier speeds down the course during an alpine ski, men's World Cup giant slalom, in Soelden, Austria, Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021. (AP Phot...
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epaselect UZBEKISTAN PRESIDENT ELECTIONS 연합뉴스21:02epaselect epa09542941 Uzbek people attend Uzbek presidential elections on the polling station in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 24 October 2021. Incumbent Uzbekistan
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epaselect KUWAIT PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스21:02epaselect epa09542839 Kuwait University Students arrive to attend classes in Kuwait City, Kuwait, 24 October 2021. Kuwait University is expected to receive s
(SP)CHINA-BEIJING-SKATING-ISU WORLD CUP SHORT TRACK(CN) 연합뉴스21:02(211024) -- BEIJING, Oct. 24, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Athletes of China celebrate after the women's 3000m relay at ISU World Cup Short Track 2021/2022 in Beijing, c
epaselect VATICAN POPE FRANCIS 연합뉴스21:01epaselect epa09542903 Pope Francis gestures as he leads the Angelus prayer from the window of his office overlooking Saint Peter's Square, in Vatican City, 2...
싱가포르 3분기 주택가격 1.1% 상승..전분기비 0.3%포인트↑ 한국경제TV21:01[한국경제TV 대니얼 오 기자] 싱가포르 3분기 주택가격이 1.1% 상승하며 2분기에 이어 고공행진을 이어갔다. 22일(현지시간) 싱가포르 도시재개발청 발표 자료에 따르면...
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볼드윈 총기사고, 실탄 없는 '콜드 건'이라더니.. 총기 규제 여론 힘 받나 한국일보21:00미국 할리우드 영화 촬영장에서 21일(현지시간) 발생한 총기 오발 사망 사고와 관련해 배우 알렉 볼드윈은 당초 실탄이 없는 이른바 ‘콜드 건(cold gun)’을 건네받아 ...
Denmark Badminton 연합뉴스20:58China's Huang Dong Ping, background and Zheng Yu return a shot to South Korea's Lee Sohee and Shin Seungchan, during the women's doubles final match of the B
중러 해군 함정 10척, 日열도 한 바퀴 돌며 무력 시위 MBC20:58미·중 간 대립 속에 밀월 관계를 과시하는 중국과 러시아 해군 함정이 미국 동맹인 일본 열도를 거의 한 바퀴 도는 무력 시위를 펼쳤습니다. 교토통신 등에 따르면 일...
Austria Alpine Skiing World Cup 연합뉴스20:57Switzerland's Loic Meillard speeds down the course during an alpine ski, men's World Cup giant slalom, in Soelden, Austria, Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021. (AP Photo/...