美 경제성장률, 2차 대전 후 최악..지난해 -3.5% 국민일보23:59지난해 미국 경제가 코로나19 여파로 2차 세계대전 이후 최악의 지표를 기록했다. 미 상무부는 지난해 4분기 국내총생산(GDP) 증가율이 연율 4.0%로 집계됐다고 28일(현...
France Sailing Vendee Globe 연합뉴스23:59German skipper Boris Herrmann celebrates with his wife Birte Lorenzen after crossing the finish line of the Vendee Globe round-the-world solo sailing race, a
러시아 법원, 푸틴 정적 나발니 석방 요청 거부 파이낸셜뉴스23:59러시아 야권 지도자 알렉세이 나발니가 지난 18일(현지시간) 모스크바 외곽의 경찰서에서 법원 출석을 기다리며 유튜브 채널을 통해 입장을 밝히고 있다.AP뉴시스 [파이...
GREECE PROTEST EDUCATION REFORMS 연합뉴스23:57epa08971214 Riot policemen watch university and high school students as they attend a protest against the education ministry's new bill in central Athens, Gr...
GREECE PROTEST EDUCATION REFORMS 연합뉴스23:57epa08971215 A riot policeman films university and high school students as they attend a protest against the education ministry's new bill in central Athens,...
美 지난해 성장률, 74년 만에 최악..4분기는 4.0%(종합) 뉴시스23:57[서울=뉴시스] 남빛나라 기자 = 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19)이 몰아친 지난해 미국 경제성장률은 2차 세계대전 이후 최악을 기록했다. 28일(현지시간) 미국 ...
GEORGIA IRAN DIPLOMACY 연합뉴스23:56epa08971211 A handout photo made available by the Georgian President's Press Service shows Georgia's President Salome Zourabichvili (R) meets with Iranian Fo
GEORGIA IRAN DIPLOMACY 연합뉴스23:56epa08971210 A handout photo made available by the Georgian President's Press Service shows Georgia's President Salome Zourabichvili (R) meets with Iranian Fo
LEBANON PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:56epa08971208 Health staff attends to a Covid-19 patient in the new Covid-19 emergency care tent, at the Saint Georges Hospital of Hezbollah in Beirut, Lebanon
LEBANON PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:56epa08971203 An ambulance delivers a Covid-19 patient in the new Covid-19 emergency care tent, at the Saint Georges Hospital of Hezbollah in Beirut, Lebanon,
LEBANON PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:56epa08971204 Health staff attends to a Covid-19 patient in the new Covid-19 emergency care tent, at the Saint Georges Hospital of Hezbollah in Beirut, Lebanon
Earns-Altria 연합뉴스23:55FILE - This Nov. 25, 2019 photo shows IQOS heated cigarette heatsticks displayed in an IQOS store in Richmond, Va. Marlboro cigarettes pushed tobacco compan...
LEBANON PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:55epa08971205 Health staff attends to a Covid-19 patient in the new Covid-19 emergency care tent, at the Saint Georges Hospital of Hezbollah in Beirut, Lebanon
LEBANON PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:55epa08971201 Health staff attends to a Covid-19 patient at the Saint Georges Hospital of Hezbollah in Beirut, Lebanon, 28 January 2021. Lebanon on 07 January
LEBANON PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스23:55epa08971206 Health staff attends to a Covid-19 patient in the new Covid-19 emergency care tent, at the Saint Georges Hospital of Hezbollah in Beirut, Lebanon