트럼프, 출마 선언한 바이든에 “역사상 최악 대통령” 맹비난…자신은 ‘성폭행’ 혐의 민사재판 시작 경향신문15:25도널드 트럼프 전 미국 대통령이 재선 출마를 공식 선언한 조 바이든 대통령을 겨냥해 미 역사상 최악의 대통령이라고 맹비난하면서 자신의 승리를 장담했다. 워싱턴포...
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日경찰기관 위원장, 기시다 테러 상황에도 "장어덮밥 잘 먹었다" 연합뉴스15:23(도쿄=연합뉴스) 박성진 특파원 = 일본 경찰청을 관리하는 국가공안위원장이 지난 15일 기시다 후미오 총리가 폭발물 투척을 당했다는 보고를 받은 뒤에도 "장어덮밥을 ...
PHILIPPINES US MILITARY EXERCISES 연합뉴스15:22epa10591717 A High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (Himars) launches a rocket during the Philippines-US 38th Balikatan Exercises attended by Philippine Pres
PHILIPPINES US MILITARY EXERCISES 연합뉴스15:22epa10591718 A High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (Himars) launches a rocket during the Philippines-US 38th Balikatan Exercises attended by Philippine Pres
Japan Kishida Eel 연합뉴스15:22Chairperson of the National Public Safety Commission Koichi Tani speaks to reporters in Tokyo Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Tani has come under fire for his rem
수단 무력 분쟁 속 '독재자' 알바시르 행방 묘연…측근 탈옥 연합뉴스15:22(서울=연합뉴스) 김계환 기자 = 반인도적 범죄 혐의로 국제사법재판소(ICC)에 의해 기소된 수단 정치인들이 정부군과 준군사조직 신속지원군(RSF) 간 무력 충돌로 인한 ...
PHILIPPINES US MILITARY EXERCISES 연합뉴스15:22epa10591712 Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. (C), is joined by Chief-of-Staff of the Armed Forces of Philippines Andres Centino (L) and United State
PHILIPPINES US MILITARY EXERCISES 연합뉴스15:22epa10591711 Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. (L), and United States Army Lieutenant Colonel Timothy Lynch (2nd L) approach a High Mobility Artillery
PHILIPPINES US MILITARY EXERCISES 연합뉴스15:22epa10591713 Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., disembarks from a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (Himars) launcher during the Philippines-US 38
PHILIPPINES US MILITARY EXERCISES 연합뉴스15:22epa10591716 Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. (L), and United States Army Lieutenant Colonel Timothy Lynch (2nd L) approach a High Mobility Artillery
PHILIPPINES US MILITARY EXERCISES 연합뉴스15:22epa10591715 Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. (L), is approached by United States and Philippine military officers during a briefing for the Philippi
Philippines US Military 연합뉴스15:22Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. waves beside a U.S. M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) during a Combined Joint Littoral Live Fire
PHILIPPINES US MILITARY EXERCISES 연합뉴스15:21epa10591714 Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., (C) waves after inspecting a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (Himars) launcher during the Philip
Philippines US Military 연합뉴스15:21Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., left, talks with U.S. Lt. Col. Timothy Lynch as they look at a U.S. M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HI