푸틴 체포영장에 러 '맞불'..."판검사 대상 소송 착수" YTN22:45러시아가 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령에 체포 영장을 발부한 국제형사재판소, ICC 판사와 검사를 상대로 형사소송에 착수했다고 타스와 AFP 통신 등이 보도했습니다. 러시아...
BRITAIN JMC 연합뉴스22:44epa10533608 (Front Row 2nd L to 3rd R) Prosecutor of the ICC Karim Khan, Ukraine’s Minister of Justice Denys Maliuska, Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister Domi...
BRITAIN JMC 연합뉴스22:44epa10533614 (Front Row L to R) Prosecutor of the ICC Karim Khan, Ukraine’s Minister of Justice Denys Maliuska, Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab...
Belgium EU Foreign Defense Ministers 연합뉴스22:43Estonia's Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur speaks with the media as he arrives for a meeting of EU foreign and defense ministers at the European Council buildin
[뉴욕개장] 美 주요증시 혼조세 출발…나스닥 0.14%↓ 뉴스122:43(서울=뉴스1) 정윤미 기자 = 미국 뉴욕 증시가 20일(현지시간) 혼조세로 출발했다. 로이터통신에 따르면 다우존스 산업평균지수는 전장 대비 10.35포인트(0.03%) 오른 3...
BRITAIN JMC 연합뉴스22:43epa10533618 (L-R) Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab, Netherland’s Minister of Justice Dilan Yesilgöz-Zegerius and Prosecutor of the ICC Karim K...
South Africa Anti-Government Protests 연합뉴스22:43Leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Julius Malema, addresses supporters in Pretoria, South Africa, Monday March 20, 2023. The party has called for
BRITAIN JMC 연합뉴스22:42epa10533615 Netherland’s Minister of Justice Dilan Yesilgöz-Zegerius delivers remarks during the Justice Ministers’ Conference at Lancaster House in Londo
Belgium EU Foreign Defense Ministers 연합뉴스22:42Acting Danish Minister of Defense Troels Lund Poulsen speaks with the media as he arrives for a meeting of EU foreign and defense ministers at the European C
'인수 타결' CS·UBS 주가 동반 하락… 유럽 증시도 불안 지속 한국일보22:41가까스로 파산 위기에서 벗어난 스위스 2위 은행 '크레디트스위스(CS)' 주가가 유럽 증시 개장과 동시에 곤두박칠쳤다. CS를 전격 인수한 스위스 최대 은행 UBS 주가 역...
[올댓차이나] 2월 대만 수출수주 18.3%↓...“對中 부진 예상 넘게 감소” 뉴시스22:41[서울=뉴시스]이재준 기자 = 대만 2023년 2월 수출 수주액은 전년 동월 대비 18.3% 크게 감소한 421억2000만 달러(약 55조1561억원)를 기록했다고 중앙통신과 연합보(聯...
BELGIUM EU DONOR CONFERENCE FOR TURKEY AND SYRIA 연합뉴스22:37epa10533583 European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (C) delivers a speech at the opening of an international donors' conference in support of the
Emirates Historic Pearling Town 연합뉴스22:37This photo captured by a drone shows ruins on Siniyah Island in Umm al-Quwain, United Arab Emirates, Monday, March 20, 2023. Archaeologists said Monday that
BELGIUM EU DONOR CONFERENCE FOR TURKEY AND SYRIA 연합뉴스22:37epa10533586 (L-R) Sweden's Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu s
SPAIN ECONOMY ASTRAZENECA 연합뉴스22:36epa10533579 First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs Nadia Calvino (L) welcomes French-born Australian businessman Pascal Soriot, CEO of British