United Nations Climate Summary Report 연합뉴스22:17FILE - Corals on the Great Barrier Reef are visible in Gunggandji Sea Country off coast of Queensland in eastern Australia on Nov. 14, 2022. Humanity still h
Insider Q A Climate Orsted 연합뉴스22:17FILE - The five turbines of America's first offshore wind farm, owned by the Danish company, Orsted, are seen from a tour boat off the coast of Block Island,
IPCC 제6차 평가보고서 종합보고서 표지 연합뉴스22:17(서울=연합뉴스) 20일(현지시간) 승인된 유엔 '기후변화에 관한 정부 간 협의체'(IPCC) 제6차 평가보고서 종합보고서 표지로 지난 2021년 기상청 '제38차 기상기후 사진...
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:10epa10533561 Ukrainian servicemen hold a national flag above the coffin during the funeral ceremony for Ukrainian serviceman Bizhan Sharopov in Kyiv, Ukraine,
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:09epa10533553 Relatives, friends, and comrades attend the funeral ceremony for Ukrainian serviceman Bizhan Sharopov in Kyiv, Ukraine, 20 March 2023 amid the Ru
Britain Elton John 연합뉴스22:09Retail products are displayed for sale ahead of Elton John's "Farewell Yellow Brick Road" UK tour in April, at The Selfridges Corner Shop, in London, Monday,...
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:09epa10533555 Mourners kneel during the funeral ceremony for Ukrainian serviceman Bizhan Sharopov in Kyiv, Ukraine, 20 March 2023 amid the Russian invasion. Uk
러시아, 푸틴 체포영장 발부한 ICC 판검사 상대 형사소송 착수 경향신문22:07러시아가 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령에 대해 체포영장을 발부한 것과 관련해 국제형사재판소(ICC) 판사와 검사를 상대로 형사소송에 착수했다. 타스, AFP 통신 등에 따르면...
APTOPIX Mexico Vive Latino Festival 연합뉴스22:07Colombia´s Elsa Y Elmar performs during the Vive Latino music festival in Mexico City, Sunday, March 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano) ▶제보는 카톡 okjeb
美 경기침체 오나…'경착륙' 비관론 본격 대두 한국경제TV22:07[한국경제TV 이휘경 기자] 최근 붕괴한 실리콘밸리은행(SVB) 사태와 관련, 지역·소규모 은행 위기가 미국 경제를 침체로 빠뜨릴 가능성을 높이고 있다는 관측이 제기됐...
Britain Justice Ministers' Conference 연합뉴스22:07Britain's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Dominic Raab, left, speaks to Karim Khan KC, Prosecutor of the ICC ahead of the Justice Ministers' c
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:07epa10533550 Relatives, friends, and comrades attend the funeral ceremony for Ukrainian serviceman Bizhan Sharopov in Kyiv, Ukraine, 20 March 2023 amid the Ru
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:07epa10533552 Relatives, friends, and comrades attend the funeral ceremony for Ukrainian serviceman Bizhan Sharopov in Kyiv, Ukraine, 20 March 2023 amid the Ru
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:07epa10533556 Mourners kneel during the funeral ceremony for Ukrainian serviceman Bizhan Sharopov in Kyiv, Ukraine, 20 March 2023 amid the Russian invasion. Uk
Britain Elton John 연합뉴스22:06Elton John's archive costume is exhibited as Selfridges store launches a series of retail products ahead of Elton John's "Farewell Yellow Brick Road" UK tour