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  • Ukraine Frontline Bakery Photo Gallery
    Ukraine Frontline Bakery Photo Gallery 연합뉴스 · 15:02
    Dmytro, one of three men working a 12-hour night shift, loads coal into a boiler at a bakery in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Monday, Aug.
  • Ukraine Frontline Bakery Photo Gallery
    Ukraine Frontline Bakery Photo Gallery 연합뉴스 · 15:02
    Nikita, one of three men working a 12-hour night shift, loads coal into a boiler at a bakery in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Monday, Aug.
  • Ukraine Frontline Bakery Photo Gallery
    Ukraine Frontline Bakery Photo Gallery 연합뉴스 · 15:02
    Discarded coal burns in a pile after being used to heat the boilers at at a bakery in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Monday, Aug. 15, 2022.
  • Bosnia Election
    Bosnia Election 연합뉴스 · 15:02
    Bosnian man casts his vote at a poling station in Sarajevo, Bosnia, Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022. Polls opened Sunday in Bosnia for a general election that is unlike
  • Bosnia Election
    Bosnia Election 연합뉴스 · 15:02
    Bosnian man casts his vote at a poling station in Sarajevo, Bosnia, Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022. Polls opened Sunday in Bosnia for a general election that is unlike
  • Bosnia Election
    Bosnia Election 연합뉴스 · 15:02
    Bosnian man casts his vote at a poling station in Sarajevo, Bosnia, Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022. Polls opened Sunday in Bosnia for a general election that is unlike
  • Nobel Five Things to Know
    Nobel Five Things to Know 연합뉴스 · 15:02
    FILE- A national library employee shows the gold Nobel Prize medal awarded to the late novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez, in Bogota, Colombia. The beginning of
  • Nobel Five Things to Know
    Nobel Five Things to Know 연합뉴스 · 15:02
    FILE - An exterior view of Oslo City Hall the venue of the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo, Dec. 9, 2021. This year’s Nobel season kicks off Monday, Oct.
  • Bosnia Election
    Bosnia Election 연합뉴스 · 15:02
    Bosnian woman casts her vote at a poling station in Sarajevo, Bosnia, Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022. Polls opened Sunday in Bosnia for a general election that is unli
  • Cuba Tropical Weather
    Cuba Tropical Weather 연합뉴스 · 15:01
    Demonstrators and government officials argue during a protest calling for the restoration of electrical service after six days of blackouts due to the devast
  • Cuba Tropical Weather
    Cuba Tropical Weather 연합뉴스 · 15:01
    A government official speaks with the demonstrators during a protest calling for the restoration of electrical service after six days of blackouts due to the
  • Cuba Tropical Weather
    Cuba Tropical Weather 연합뉴스 · 15:01
    A plain-clothed police officer detains a demonstrator during a protest calling for the restoration of electrical service after six days of blackouts due to t
  • 푸틴 합병 선언 하루 만에 요충지 빼앗은 우크라이나
    푸틴 합병 선언 하루 만에 요충지 빼앗은 우크라이나 KBS · 15:01
    우크라이나가 동부 전선의 핵심 요충지인 도네츠크 리만을 탈환하며 반격에 속도를 내고 있습니다. 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 점령지 합병을 선언하고서 "모든 ...
  • 환경론자 찰스3세, 트러스 총리 반대에 COP27 불참
    환경론자 찰스3세, 트러스 총리 반대에 COP27 불참 머니투데이 · 15:00
    찰스 3세 영국 국왕이 리즈 트러스 총리의 반대로 유엔기후변화협약 당사국총회(COP27)에 불참한다고 더타임스가 2일(현지시간) 보도했다. 보도에 따르면 찰스 3세는 다...
  • 여왕은 오른쪽인데?..왼쪽 바라보는 英 찰스 국왕 동전 공개
    여왕은 오른쪽인데?..왼쪽 바라보는 英 찰스 국왕 동전 공개 아시아경제 · 15:00
    [아시아경제 이지은 기자]찰스 3세가 엘리자베스 2세 여왕의 왕위를 계승하면서 영국의 동전에도 새로운 변화가 생겼다. 지난달 29일(현지시간) 영국 왕립 조폐국은 찰...
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