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  • 中, '대만 단교' 온두라스에 커피·바나나·새우 수입으로 화답
    中, '대만 단교' 온두라스에 커피·바나나·새우 수입으로 화답 연합뉴스 · 20:11
    (베이징=연합뉴스) 한종구 특파원 = 중국이 대만과 단교하고 자국을 선택한 온두라스에 농산물과 수산물 수입이라는 선물을 안겼다. 중국 해관총서(세관)는 13일 공고 6...
  • Britain Nottingham Incident
    Britain Nottingham Incident 연합뉴스 · 20:11
    Police officers guard a white van on the corner of Maples Street and Bentinck Road after three people were killed in Nottingham city center, England early on
  • Virus Outbreak Britain
    Virus Outbreak Britain 연합뉴스 · 20:10
    Tourists take a photo of the Houses of Parliament as they sit on a wall overlooking the River Thames next to The National Covid Memorial Wall dedicated to th
  • Virus Outbreak Britain
    Virus Outbreak Britain 연합뉴스 · 20:10
    Red painted hearts inscribed with loved ones names are seen on the The National Covid Memorial Wall dedicated to those who died during the coronavirus pandem
  • Virus Outbreak Britain
    Virus Outbreak Britain 연합뉴스 · 20:10
    Tourists walk past The National Covid Memorial Wall dedicated to those who died during the coronavirus pandemic in London, Tuesday, June 13, 2023. A mammoth
  • Virus Outbreak Britain
    Virus Outbreak Britain 연합뉴스 · 20:10
    Flowers are seen at the The National Covid Memorial Wall dedicated to those who died during the coronavirus pandemic in London, Tuesday, June 13, 2023. A mam
  • Virus Outbreak Britain
    Virus Outbreak Britain 연합뉴스 · 20:10
    Red painted hearts inscribed with loved ones names are seen on the The National Covid Memorial Wall, dedicated to those who died during the coronavirus pande
  • Virus Outbreak Britain
    Virus Outbreak Britain 연합뉴스 · 20:10
    Flowers are seen at the The National Covid Memorial Wall dedicated to those who died during the coronavirus pandemic in London, Tuesday, June 13, 2023. A mam
    epa10688173 Filipino jail officers carry relief boxes to distribute them at a school turned into an evacuation center in Santo Domingo, Albay province, Phili
  • '싱하이밍 대사 조치 요구' 즉답 피한 중국…사실상 거부
    '싱하이밍 대사 조치 요구' 즉답 피한 중국…사실상 거부 SBS · 20:09
    <앵커> 그럼 이번에는 베이징을 바로 연결해서 중국에서는 지금 어떤 이야기가 나오고 있는지 알아보겠습니다. 정영태 특파원이 연결돼 있습니다. 우리 대통령실이 적절...
  • NBA 우승 축배 든 순간 총기난사…9명 부상·3명 중태
    NBA 우승 축배 든 순간 총기난사…9명 부상·3명 중태 한국경제TV · 20:08
    [한국경제TV 이휘경 기자] 미 콜로라도주 덴버에서 미국프로농구(NBA) 덴버 너기츠가 창단 56년만에 처음으로 우승을 차지해 축제 분위기가 이어지던 와중에 총격 사건...
  • 'NBA 첫 제패' 덴버서 총기난사…9명 부상·3명 중태
    'NBA 첫 제패' 덴버서 총기난사…9명 부상·3명 중태 아시아경제 · 20:08
    미 콜로라도주 덴버에서 미국프로농구(NBA) 덴버 너기츠가 창단 56년 만에 첫 우승을 거머쥐며 축제 분위기가 이어지던 중 총격 사건이 발생했다고 AP통신이 13일(현지...
  • Virus Outbreak Britain
    Virus Outbreak Britain 연합뉴스 · 20:08
    Tourists walk past The National Covid Memorial Wall dedicated to those who died during the coronavirus pandemic in London, Tuesday, June 13, 2023. A mammoth
  • Virus Outbreak Britain
    Virus Outbreak Britain 연합뉴스 · 20:07
    Tourists walk past The National Covid Memorial Wall dedicated to those who died during the coronavirus pandemic in London, Tuesday, June 13, 2023. A mammoth
  • NBA Finals Denver Shooting
    NBA Finals Denver Shooting 연합뉴스 · 20:07
    Denver Police Department investigators work the scene of a mass shooting along Market Street between 20th and 21st avenues during a celebration after the Den
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