(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:19epa08957490 (FILE) - (03/35) Egyptian protesters climb ontop of a water canon truck during a demonstration in Cairo, Egypt, 25 January 2011. The date of 25
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:18epa08957491 (FILE) - (04/35) An Egyptian woman wears an Egyptian national flag wrapped around her outfit with the words 'no to the mergency state' as she t
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:18epa08957489 (FILE) - (02/35) Egyptian riot policemen face protesters during a demonstration in Cairo, Egypt, 25 January 2011. The date of 25 January 2021 ma
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:18epa08957487 (FILE) - (001/35) An anti government protester holds a sign with the date the civil unrest began in Egypt as thousands celebrate the announcement
日코로나 신규 확진 나흘째 5천명선..자민당 전 간사장도 감염 연합뉴스21:18(도쿄=연합뉴스) 박세진 특파원 = 일본에서 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 신규 확진자가 연일 5천 명대로 나오고 있다. NHK방송에 따르면 22일 일본 전역에서 ...
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:17epa08957488 (FILE) - (01/35) Egyptian protester kicking back a tear gas bomb during fresh demonstrations that erupted following Friday prayers in Cairo, Egyp
바이든 취임식 TV로 4000만명 시청..트럼프 때보다 많아 아시아경제21:16[아시아경제 최동현 기자] 조 바이든 미국 대통령 취임식을 TV로 시청한 이들이 도널드 트럼프 전 대통령 취임식 때보다 150만명 이상 더 많았던 것으로 조사됐다. 22일...
Virus Outbreak Israel Palestinians 연합뉴스21:16Men pray on the Mount of Olives, overlooking the Dome of the Rock Mosque one the Al Aqsa Mosque compound for Friday prayers in the Old City of Jerusalem, Fri
GERMANY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 MARITIME 연합뉴스21:15epa08957478 An imported car of Japanese car maker Suzuki leaves the car carrier ship Gravity Highway of Japanese K shipping lines moored at the automotive po
GERMANY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 MARITIME 연합뉴스21:15epa08957479 The car carrier ship Morning Conductor of South Korean Eukor shipping lines is moored at the automotive port of Bremerhaven, northern Germany, 22
GERMANY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 MARITIME 연합뉴스21:15epa08957477 Trains and railway tracks at the container port of Bremerhaven, northern Germany, 22 January 2021. Even in times of the COVID-19 disease caused
美, 러와 신전략무기협정 5년 연장하기로..러·미 제안 환영 노컷뉴스21:15조 바이든 미국 행정부는 러시아와 신전략무기감축협정(뉴스타트, New Start)을 5년 연장하는 방안을 추진하겠다는 입장을 밝혔다. 로이터·AFP통신 등에 따르면, 젠 사...
RUSSIA HUNGARY DIPLOMACY 연합뉴스21:15epa08957475 A handout photo made available by the Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service shows Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto (L) and Russian For
POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스21:14epa08957466 A stork nests in Toplany village, north-eastern Poland, 22 January 2021. Tits stork was not to set off on a migration flight to Africa like many
RUSSIA HUNGARY DIPLOMACY 연합뉴스21:14epa08957476 A handout photo made available by the Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service shows Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto (R) and Russian For