(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:22epa08957519 (FILE) - (32/35) Egyptian protesters take cover from tear gas during clashes with police forces in Mohamed Mahmoud street near Tahrir Square, in
상하이 뚫리고, 베이징 200만 검사임박..中코로나 위기 국민일보21:22중국 경제중심지인 상하이에서 2개월 만에 코로나19 지역사회 감염 확진자가 나오고 수도 베이징에서도 확진자가 연달아 발생하고 있다. 중국 방역 당국은 위험 지역 폐...
중국, 자국수역 내 '불법행위 연루' 선박에 무기사용 허용 연합뉴스21:22(선양=연합뉴스) 차병섭 특파원 = 중국이 자국 수역 내에서 해경의 무기 사용을 허용하는 법안을 통과시킨 것으로 전해졌다. 22일 일본 교도통신에 따르면 중국 최고입...
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:22epa08957513 (FILE) - (26/35) An Egyptian soldier looks on from the top of a tank as anti-government protesters demonstrate around the Egyptian television bui
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:22epa08957521 (FILE) - (34/35) Egyptian youths mark slogans reading in Arabic 'freedom, regime, Freedom will prevail' on a road block erected by the army follo
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:22epa08957516 (FILE) - (29/35) Egyptian anti government protesters celebrate with soldiers the announcement of the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak from
Switzerland Alpine Skiing World Cup 연합뉴스21:22Austria's Tamara Tippler speeds down the course during an alpine ski, women's World Cup downhill in Crans Montana, Switzerland, Friday, Jan. 22, 2021. (AP Ph...
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:21epa08957517 (FILE) - (30/35) A woman waving an Egyptian national flag from a balcony as tens of thousands are gathering on Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, 18
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:21epa08957511 (FILE) - (24/35) Egyptian anti-government protesters in Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, 10 February 2011. The date of 25 January 2021 marks the tent
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:21epa08957512 (FILE) - (25/35) Egyptians stand at a check point manned by civilians near an army tank as others sleep on the street leading to the Tahrir squar
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:21epa08957515 (28/35) Egyptian women ululating in celebration after the anouncement of the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak from his post at Tahrir squar
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:21epa08957509 (FILE) - (21/35) Egyptian looking to the damaged building of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) in Cairo, Egypt, 07 Febuary 2011. The dat
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:20epa08957514 (FILE) - (27/35) A file photo dated 11 February 2011 shows firework lighting over Tahrir square as Egyptian anti-government protesters react minu
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:20epa08957508 (FILE) - (20/35) Egyptian protesters holding up a Coptic Christian cross in one hand and a copy of the Koran in the other hand in Tahrir Square i
(FILE) EGYPT PHOTO SET UPRISING ANNIVERSARY DOSSIER 연합뉴스21:20epa08957507 (FILE) - (19/35) An Egyptian protester sits on the wheel of tank while another protester (R) holds a placard reading in Arabic 'the martyrs of th