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  • 러-독 연결 가스관 10여일 간 잠정폐쇄 아시아경제 · 21:41
    [아시아경제 부애리 기자] 러시아가 발트해 해저를 거쳐 독일까지 연결되는 노르트 스트림 가스관을 이달 중순 10여일 간 잠정 폐쇄한다. 인테르팍스 통신에 따르면 가...
  • China Hong Kong
    China Hong Kong 연합뉴스 · 21:39
    People wearing face masks stand near a large television screen at a shopping center displaying a Chinese flag during Chinese state television news coverage o
    epa10045605 Portugal's Prime Minister Antonio Costa (R) and Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari (C) applaud the signing agreements ceremony between the two
  • China Hong Kong
    China Hong Kong 연합뉴스 · 21:39
    A woman wearing a face mask walks past a large television screen at a shopping center displaying Chinese state television news coverage of Chinese President
  • China Hong Kong
    China Hong Kong 연합뉴스 · 21:39
    A woman wearing a face mask rides a bicycle past a large television screen at a shopping center displaying Chinese state television news coverage of Chinese
  • China Hong Kong
    China Hong Kong 연합뉴스 · 21:39
    People wearing face masks walk across an intersection near a large television screen displaying Chinese state television news coverage of Chinese President X
  • China Hong Kong
    China Hong Kong 연합뉴스 · 21:39
    A woman wearing a face mask waits at an intersection near a large television screen displaying Chinese state television news coverage of Chinese President Xi
  • China Hong Kong
    China Hong Kong 연합뉴스 · 21:39
    People wearing face masks stand near a large television screen at a shopping center displaying Chinese state television news coverage of Chinese President Xi
  • Britain Wimbledon Tennis
    Britain Wimbledon Tennis 연합뉴스 · 21:38
    Germany's Jule Niemeier, right, shakes hands with Ukraine's Lesia Tsurenko after defeating her in a third round women's singles match on day five of the Wimb
  • Britain Wimbledon Tennis
    Britain Wimbledon Tennis 연합뉴스 · 21:38
    Germany's Jule Niemeier celebrates winning match point against Ukraine's Lesia Tsurenko in a third round women's singles match on day five of the Wimbledon t
  • Britain Wimbledon Tennis
    Britain Wimbledon Tennis 연합뉴스 · 21:38
    Germany's Jule Niemeier celebrates winning match point against Ukraine's Lesia Tsurenko in a third round women's singles match on day five of the Wimbledon t
  • Britain Wimbledon Tennis
    Britain Wimbledon Tennis 연합뉴스 · 21:38
    Germany's Jule Niemeier celebrates winning match point against Ukraine's Lesia Tsurenko in a third round women's singles match on day five of the Wimbledon t
  • Britain F1 GP Auto Racing
    Britain F1 GP Auto Racing 연합뉴스 · 21:38
    Red Bull driver Max Verstappen of the Netherlands, left, gestures as he speaks with teammate during the first free practice at the Silverstone circuit, in Si
  • 유로존, 6월 물가 8.6% 폭등 '사상 최고' 한국경제 · 21:38
    유로존(유로화 사용 19개국)의 지난달 소비자 물가가 또 역대 최고치를 기록했다. 우크라이나 전쟁 장기화로 에너지 가격이 급등한 여파다. 1일 유럽연합(EU) 통계기구...
  • 미·러 갈등 속 러 억류 미국인 농구스타 재판 시작
    미·러 갈등 속 러 억류 미국인 농구스타 재판 시작 연합뉴스 · 21:36
    (서울=연합뉴스) 신창용 기자 = 마약 밀수 혐의로 러시아에 억류된 미국여자프로농구(WNBA) 스타 브리트니 그라이너(32·미국)에 대한 재판이 1일 모스크바 외곽에서 시...
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