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  • [올댓차이나] 4월 TSMC 매출 9.9조원·59%↑…"AI용 반도체 호조"
    [올댓차이나] 4월 TSMC 매출 9.9조원·59%↑…"AI용 반도체 호조" 뉴시스 · 23:58
    [서울=뉴시스]이재준 기자 = 세계 최대 반도체 위탁생산 대만 TSMC(臺灣積體電路製造)는 10일 2024년 4월 매출액이 전년 동월 대비 59.6% 급증한 2360억 대만달러(약 9...
  • 유엔 "우리 팀도 갇혔다…라파 봉쇄로 구호 불능"
    유엔 "우리 팀도 갇혔다…라파 봉쇄로 구호 불능" SBS · 23:54
    ▲ 이스라엘군 라파로 탱크 돌격 이스라엘군이 가자지구 최남단 라파를 장악하면서 연료를 포함한 구호품 반입이 나흘째 차단되자 유엔은 현지 구호활동이 불능 상태라...
    RUSSIA ACCIDENT 연합뉴스 · 23:52
    epa11331328 Rescuers lift the wreckage of a bus out of the Moyka River in St.Petersburg, Russia, 10 May 2024. A passenger bus crashed through the fence of th
  • "제2의 '푸바오' 해볼까"···오랑우탄 외교 나서겠다는 '이 나라' 어디?
    "제2의 '푸바오' 해볼까"···오랑우탄 외교 나서겠다는 '이 나라' 어디? 서울경제 · 23:52
    [서울경제] 말레이시아가 중국의 판다 외교를 참고한 '오랑우탄 외교'에 나선다. 세계적인 팜유 수출국인 말레이시아는 팜유 생산이 환경을 파괴한다는 비판 속에 주요 ...
    USA TRUMP TRIAL 연합뉴스 · 23:51
    epa11331321 Former US President Donald Trump (L) flanked by defense attorney Todd Blanche (R) speaks to members of the media during his hush money trial at t
  • Sweden Eurovision Song Contest Dress Rehearsal
    Sweden Eurovision Song Contest Dress Rehearsal 연합뉴스 · 23:51
    ISAAK of Germany arrives on stage for the introducing of the artists during the dress rehearsal for the final at the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmo, Sweden
  • Sweden Eurovision Song Contest Dress Rehearsal
    Sweden Eurovision Song Contest Dress Rehearsal 연합뉴스 · 23:51
    Nemo of Switzerland arrives on stage for the introducing of the artists during the dress rehearsal for the final at the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmo, Swe
    RUSSIA ACCIDENT 연합뉴스 · 23:51
    epa11331324 Rescuers lift the wreckage of a bus out of the Moyka River in St.Petersburg, Russia, 10 May 2024. A passenger bus crashed through the fence of th
    RUSSIA ACCIDENT 연합뉴스 · 23:51
    epa11331323 Rescuers lift the wreckage of a bus out of the Moyka River in St.Petersburg, Russia, 10 May 2024. A passenger bus crashed through the fence of th
    USA TRUMP TRIAL 연합뉴스 · 23:51
    epa11331319 Former US President Donald Trump (L) flanked by defense attorney Todd Blanche (R) speaks to members of the media during his hush money trial at t
  • Sweden Eurovision Song Contest Dress Rehearsal
    Sweden Eurovision Song Contest Dress Rehearsal 연합뉴스 · 23:51
    Eden Golan of Israel arrives on stage for the introducing of the artists during the dress rehearsal for the final at the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmo, Sw
    USA TRUMP TRIAL 연합뉴스 · 23:51
    epa11331315 Former US President Donald Trump (C) flanked by defense attorney Todd Blanche (R), arrives for his hush money trial at the Supreme Court of the S
  • Israel Palestinians
    Israel Palestinians 연합뉴스 · 23:51
    Relatives of hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip Shai Dikman left, cousin of Carmel Gat, Ella Ben Ami, daughter of Ohad Ben Ami, center, and Yuval Brown
  • Israel Palestinians
    Israel Palestinians 연합뉴스 · 23:50
    A poster of Noa Argamani is taped to one of the empty chairs for hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip as relatives and their supporters gather together t
    RUSSIA ACCIDENT 연합뉴스 · 23:50
    epa11331325 Rescuers lift the wreckage of a bus out of the Moyka River in St.Petersburg, Russia, 10 May 2024. A passenger bus crashed through the fence of th
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