UAE TECHNOLOGY METAVERSE ASSEMBLY 연합뉴스21:30epa10211370 UAE Minister of Economy HE Abdulla bin Touq Al Marri (L) watches himself in the screen board during the first session of the Dubai Metaverse Asse
UAE TECHNOLOGY METAVERSE ASSEMBLY 연합뉴스21:28epa10211345 People gather at the Museum of the Future where the Dubai Metaverse Assembly is taking place in Gulf emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 28 S
UAE TECHNOLOGY METAVERSE ASSEMBLY 연합뉴스21:28epa10211346 People ride an elevator at the Museum of the Future where the Dubai Metaverse Assembly is taking place in Gulf emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emir
UAE TECHNOLOGY METAVERSE ASSEMBLY 연합뉴스21:27epa10211372 Mark Zaleski, DV Managing Director & Partner, Middle East Center Lead at BCG Digital Ventures, speaks during the first session of the Dubai Metav
UAE TECHNOLOGY METAVERSE ASSEMBLY 연합뉴스21:27epa10211374 (L-R) UAE Minister of Economy HE Abdulla bin Touq Al Marri, Managing Director in Accenture Bashar Kilani and Mark Zaleski, DV Managing Director &
UAE TECHNOLOGY METAVERSE ASSEMBLY 연합뉴스21:27epa10211373 Dubai Future Foundation (FDD) Chief Executive Officer H.E. Khalfan Belhoul delivers a speech during the opening of the Dubai Metaverse Assembly a
UAE TECHNOLOGY METAVERSE ASSEMBLY 연합뉴스21:27epa10211375 UAE Minister of Economy HE Abdulla bin Touq Al Marri speaks during the first session of the Dubai Metaverse Assembly at the Museum of the Future
UAE TECHNOLOGY METAVERSE ASSEMBLY 연합뉴스21:17epa10211293 Women experience virtual reality (VR) during the Dubai Metaverse Assembly at the Museum of the Future in Gulf emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emira
UAE TECHNOLOGY METAVERSE ASSEMBLY 연합뉴스21:17epa10211292 A woman experiences virtual reality (VR) during the Dubai Metaverse Assembly at the Museum of the Future in Gulf emirate of Dubai, United Arab Em
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