Germany Belgium Royals 연합뉴스23:13The Belgian royal couple, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde arrive at Bellevue Palace, Berlin, Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023. The Belgian royal couple are in Germany
COP28 Climate Summit 연합뉴스23:13A shadow is reflected near a COP28 logo during the U.N. Climate Summit, Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool) ▶제...
이스라엘, 가자 남부 칸 유니스 맹폭…"43명 사망" SBS23:12이스라엘군이 가자지구 남부 최대도시 칸 유니스 인근 지역에 통신을 끊은 채 개전 후 최고 강도의 공습을 단행했다고 BBC 방송 등이 오늘(5일)(현지시간) 보도했습니다...
Britain Royals 연합뉴스23:08Britain's King Charles III , centre, attends an Advent Service and Christmas Reception at The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre UK in Stevenage, England, Tuesday
CHINA-GUANGXI-GUIPING-DATENG GORGE-SCENERY (CN) 연합뉴스23:08(231205) -- GUIPING, Dec. 5, 2023 (Xinhua) -- This aerial photo taken on Dec. 4, 2023 shows the Dateng Gorge Water Conservancy project in Guiping City, south
Britain Royals 연합뉴스23:07Britain's King Charles III and Archbishop Angaelos arrive to attend an Advent Service and Christmas Reception at The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre UK in Stev
Britain Royals 연합뉴스23:07Britain's King Charles III speaks to Archbishop Angaelos after attending an Advent Service and Christmas Reception at The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre UK in
Britain Royals 연합뉴스23:06Britain's King Charles III and Archbishop Angaelos arrive to attend an Advent Service and Christmas Reception at The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre UK in Stev
GERMANY ELECTRO MOBILITY BMW 연합뉴스23:06epa11011841 Workers check the body of a car in a light tunnel as part of the assembly at the BMW car factory in Munich, Germany, 05 December 2023. EPA/ANNA ...
중국, 타이완 총통 '평화 발언'에 강력 반발…"독립은 전쟁 의미" SBS23:06차이잉원 타이완 총통이 최근 '홍콩 스타일의 평화를 원치 않는다'고 말한 것에 대해 중국이 "타이완 독립은 전쟁을 의미하며 막다른 골목"이라며 강하게 반박했습니다....
Britain Royals 연합뉴스23:05Britain's King Charles III and Archbishop Angaelos, left, unveil a plaque after attending an Advent Service and Christmas Reception at The Coptic Orthodox Ch
CHINA-BEIJING-GUBEIKOU GREAT WALL (CN) 연합뉴스23:05(231205) -- BEIJING, Dec. 5, 2023 (Xinhua) -- People perform lion dance at a temple fair at the Gubeikou Great Wall in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 28, 20
중국 폐렴 확산에 '건강코드' 부활?...인니서도 확산 YTN23:04[앵커] 중국에서 폐렴이 계속 퍼지며 일부 지역에서는 코로나19 때 시행했던 건강코드가 다시 등장했다는 보도가 나오고 있습니다. 이제 폐렴은 인도네시아 등 주변국에...
GERMANY ELECTRO MOBILITY BMW 연합뉴스23:04epa11011837 (L-R) BMW Head of Works Council Martin Kimmich, German Cancellor Olaf Scholz and BMW CEO Oliver Zipse walk together during the German Cancellor's
Britain Royals 연합뉴스23:03Britain's King Charles III stands beside a crucifix after attending an Advent Service and Christmas Reception at The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre UK in Stev