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  • UAE 왕세자와 회담하는 베네트 총리
    UAE 왕세자와 회담하는 베네트 총리 뉴시스 · 22:42
    [아부다비=AP/뉴시스] 이스라엘 정부 공보실이 제공한 사진으로 나프탈리 베네트 이스라엘 총리(왼쪽)가 아부다비에서 무함마드 빈 자예드 알 나흐얀 왕세자와 회담하고...
  • Vatican Pope
    Vatican Pope 연합뉴스 · 22:41
    Pope Francis touches a baby's head during an audience with members of Serafico Institute for disabled children in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican, Monday, De
  • Vatican Pope
    Vatican Pope 연합뉴스 · 22:41
    Pope Francis touches a man's head during an audience with members of Serafico Institute for disabled children in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican, Monday, Dec
  • Vatican Pope
    Vatican Pope 연합뉴스 · 22:40
    Pope Francis leaves at the end of an audience with members of Serafico Institute for disabled children in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican, Monday, Dec. 13, 2...
    epa09640135 Polish President Andrzej Duda speaks during a ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of the imposition of martial law in Poland at the Museum of C
  • 美 중부 토네이도 최소 94명 사망.."최악 피해 우려"
    美 중부 토네이도 최소 94명 사망.."최악 피해 우려" YTN · 22:40
    미국 켄터키주를 비롯해 중부 5개 주를 강타한 토네이도로 인한 사망자가 100명에 육박하는 등 구조 작업이 진행되면서 피해 규모가 점점 더 늘어나고 있습니다. 토네이...
  • 79th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Nominations
    79th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Nominations 연합뉴스 · 22:38
    A Golden Globe statue appears at the nominations event for 79th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Monday, Dec. 13, 2021, in Beverly H
  • 79th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Nominations
    79th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Nominations 연합뉴스 · 22:38
    The podium appears prior to the start of the nominations event for 79th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Monday, Dec. 13, 2021, in B
  • 79th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Nominations
    79th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Nominations 연합뉴스 · 22:38
    A Golden Globe statue appears at the nominations event for 79th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Monday, Dec. 13, 2021, in Beverly H
  • 79th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Nominations
    79th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Nominations 연합뉴스 · 22:38
    A photographer shoots a Golden Globe statue at the nominations event for 79th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Monday, Dec. 13, 2021
  • APTOPIX Spain Weather
    APTOPIX Spain Weather 연합뉴스 · 22:38
    Fog covers the landscape in a flooded area near the Ebro River in the small village of Alcala de Ebro, Aragon province, northern Spain, Monday, Dec.13, 2021.
  • France UBS Tax Fraud
    France UBS Tax Fraud 연합뉴스 · 22:33
    Former UBS Group AG's wealth management for Western Europe Dieter Kiefer speaks to the media after the verdict of UBS French tax evasion case at Paris' court
  • 中 총리 "내년 경제운용 안정 우선"
    中 총리 "내년 경제운용 안정 우선" MBC · 22:33
    중국 리커창 총리가 "중국은 내년 경제업무에서 안정을 우선시하고, 안정 속 성장을 추구할 것"이라고 밝혔습니다. 리커창 총리는 현지시간으로 13일, 데이비드 맬패스 ...
  • Virus Outbreak Britain
    Virus Outbreak Britain 연합뉴스 · 22:33
    People queue to go for coronavirus booster jabs at St Thomas' Hospital, backdropped by the scaffolded Elizabeth Tower, known as Big Ben, and the Houses of Pa
  • Spain Weather
    Spain Weather 연합뉴스 · 22:30
    A sign indicates the height of the water level, seven meters (22 feet), in a flooded area near the Ebro River in the small village of Pradilla de Ebro, Arago
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