GERMANY G7 SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:20epa10036801 Protesters gather for a demonstration related to the G7 Summit near Elmau Castle in Kruen, Germany, 27 June 2022. Germany is hosting the G7 summi
GERMANY G7 SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:20epa10036808 European Council President Charles Michel (R) and South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa share a light moment at their bilateral meeting during
GERMANY G7 SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:20epa10036817 Protesters gather for a demonstration related to the G7 Summit near Elmau Castle in Kruen, Germany, 27 June 2022. Germany is hosting the G7 summi
GERMANY G7 SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:20epa10036818 Protesters gather for a demonstration related to the G7 Summit near Elmau Castle in Kruen, Germany, 27 June 2022. Germany is hosting the G7 summi
Germany G7 Summit 연합뉴스23:20Charles Michel, President of the EU Council, right, speaks with Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, left, during the G7 leaders summit at Castle Elma
GERMANY G7 SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:20epa10036819 Protesters gather for a demonstration related to the G7 Summit near Elmau Castle in Kruen, Germany, 27 June 2022. Germany is hosting the G7 summi
GERMANY G7 SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:20epa10036820 Police detain protesters blocking the street during a rally against the G7 Summit near Elmau Castle in Kruen, Germany, 27 June 2022. Germany is h
Germany G7 Summit 연합뉴스23:20Anti G7 protestors gather during the G7 leaders summit at Castle Elmau in Kruen, near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, on Monday, June 27, 2022. The Group of
Germany G7 Summit 연합뉴스23:20Anti G7 protestors gather during the G7 leaders summit at Castle Elmau in Kruen, near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, on Monday, June 27, 2022. The Group of
GERMANY G7 SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:20epa10036802 Protesters gather for a demonstration related to the G7 Summit near Elmau Castle in Kruen, Germany, 27 June 2022. Germany is hosting the G7 summi
GERMANY G7 SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:20epa10036803 Protesters gather for a demonstration related to the G7 Summit near Elmau Castle in Kruen, Germany, 27 June 2022. Germany is hosting the G7 summi
GERMANY G7 SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:20epa10036804 Protesters gather for a demonstration related to the G7 Summit near Elmau Castle in Kruen, Germany, 27 June 2022. Germany is hosting the G7 summi
GERMANY G7 SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:19epa10036805 Protesters gather for a demonstration related to the G7 Summit near Elmau Castle in Kruen, Germany, 27 June 2022. Germany is hosting the G7 summi
"식량·에너지 가격 상승에 여러 국가 정치불안 두배로 늘 것" 연합뉴스23:19(런던=연합뉴스) 최윤정 특파원 = 식량과 에너지 가격 상승으로 올해 여러 국가에서 정치 불안 사건이 두 배로 증가할 것이라는 예측이 나왔다. 영국 이코노미스트지는 ...
젤렌스키, G7에 연말까지 전쟁 끝내도록 지원 요청 파이낸셜뉴스23:1327일(현지시간) 독일 슐로스엘마우에서 이틀째 진행된 주요7개국(G7) 정상회의 대표와 초청 정상들이 기념촬영하고 있다.AP뉴시스 볼로디미르 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대통...