일왕 부부, 英여왕 장례식 참석 위해 출국 뉴시스12:17기사내용 요약 2019년 즉위 이후 첫 외국 방문 [서울=뉴시스] 이종희 기자 = 나루히토(徳仁) 일왕·마사코(雅子) 왕비가 엘리자베스 2세 여왕의 장례식 참석을 위해 영...
"北, 아베 정권 때 일부 납북자 일시귀국 제안했지만 日 거부" YTN12:15북한이 2014, 2015년 일부 일본인 납북 피해자의 일시 귀국을 제안했지만 당시 일본 아베 정권이 거부했던 것으로 전해졌습니다. 교도통신에 따르면 당시 북한은 일본 ...
한반도 발(發) 핵전쟁 가능성 높아졌다 노컷뉴스12:12핵심요약한미, 확장억제전략협의체 회의 후 공동성명 발표 "北의 어떠한 핵공격도 압도적, 결정적으로 대응" 北 핵무기 공격에 美 핵무기로 대응한다는 의미 전문가 "남...
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Phillies Braves Baseball 연합뉴스12:06Atlanta Braves' Ronald Acuna Jr. watches his two-run home run in the eighth Inning of the team's baseball game against the Philadelphia Phillies on Friday, S
Mariners Angels Baseball 연합뉴스12:04Los Angeles Angels' Shohei Ohtani swings as he hits a double during the first inning of a baseball game against the Seattle Mariners Friday, Sept. 16, 2022,
Mariners Angels Baseball 연합뉴스12:04Los Angeles Angels' Shohei Ohtani stands in the dugout during the first inning of a baseball game against the Seattle Mariners Friday, Sept. 16, 2022, in Ana...
Mariners Angels Baseball 연합뉴스12:04Los Angeles Angels' Shohei Ohtani gets ready to bat during the first inning of a baseball game against the Seattle Mariners Friday, Sept. 16, 2022, in Anahei...
Mariners Angels Baseball 연합뉴스12:04Los Angeles Angels' Shohei Ohtani looks at a tablet as he sits in the dugout during the first inning of a baseball game against the Seattle Mariners Friday,
Mariners Angels Baseball 연합뉴스12:04Los Angeles Angels' Shohei Ohtani flexes after hitting a double during the first inning of a baseball game against the Seattle Mariners Friday, Sept. 16, 202
Mariners Angels Baseball 연합뉴스12:04Los Angeles Angels' Shohei Ohtani, second from left, scores on a single by Taylor Ward as Luis Rengifo, left, and Matt Duffy, second from right, gestures whi