SWITZERLAND UKRAINE PEACE SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:37epa11412165 US Vice President Kamala Harris (L) shakes hands with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) ahead of a bilateral meeting during the Summit o
Euro 2024 Soccer Hungary Switzerland 연합뉴스23:37Hungary's Attila Fiola, second from left, attempts a goal during a Group A match between Hungary and Switzerland at the Euro 2024 soccer tournament in Cologn
SWITZERLAND UKRAINE PEACE SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:37epa11412166 US Vice President Kamala Harris (L) is welcomed by Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) ahead of a bilateral meeting during the Summit on P
Euro 2024 Soccer Hungary Switzerland 연합뉴스23:37Hungary's Attila Szalai, right, controls the ball besides Switzerland's Dan Ndoye during a Group A match between Hungary and Switzerland at the Euro 2024 soc
Euro 2024 Soccer Hungary Switzerland 연합뉴스23:37Switzerland's Fabian Schar, top, and Hungary's Andras Schafer challenge for the ball during a Group A match between Hungary and Switzerland at the Euro 2024
Euro 2024 Soccer Hungary Switzerland 연합뉴스23:37Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban takes his seat during the second half of a Group A match between Hungary and Switzerland at the Euro 2024 soccer tourna
SWITZERLAND UKRAINE PEACE SUMMIT 연합뉴스23:36epa11412167 Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople (L) shakes hands with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) during the Summit on Peace in
France Protest 연합뉴스23:36A protester holds an anti-far right banner saying Le Pen, My France will Happen Without You' during a rally in Paris, Saturday, June 15, 2024. Anti-racism gr
Italy G7 연합뉴스23:35Demonstrators hold a banner reading: " Stop genocide, Smash NATO " during a protest against the G7 summit in Fasano, southern Italy, Saturday, June 15, 2024....
US Swimming Olympic Trials 연합뉴스23:35Swimmers practice in the Olympic pool inside Lucas Oil Stadium Saturday, June 15, 2024, at the US Sminning Olympic Trials in Indianapoils. (AP Photo/Morry Ga...
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