中고위관리 "세계 구도, 중국 유리..동양 뜨고 서양 지는 추세" 한국경제17:45중국 공안기관 사령탑인 중앙정법위원회 고위관리가 최근의 세계 구도가 중국에 유리하다는 발언을 했다. 16일 명보 등 홍콩매체에 따르면 천이신 중앙정법위원회 비서...
Virus Outbreak India 연합뉴스17:41A health worker is being administered COVID-19 vaccine at a hospital in Kolkata, India, Saturday, Jan. 16, 2021. India started inoculating health workers Sat
Austria Alpine Skiing World Cup 연합뉴스17:41Germany's Linus Strasser speeds down the course during an alpine ski, men's World Cup slalom in Flachau, Austria, Saturday, Jan. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Gabriele...
Virus Outbreak India Kashmir 연합뉴스17:40Kashmiri doctors watch the live telecast of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address during a ceremony prior of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine at a govern
Virus Outbreak India 연합뉴스17:39A health worker shows COVID-19 vaccine in Mumbai, India, Saturday, Jan. 16, 2021. India started inoculating health workers Saturday in what is likely the wor
팔레스타인, 15년 만에 총선·대선.."정파 갈등 치유를 위해" 연합뉴스17:36(카이로=연합뉴스) 김상훈 특파원 = 팔레스타인이 올해 15년 만에 총선과 대선을 치르기로 했다. 16일(현지시간) 팔레스타인 뉴스통신 '와파'(WAFA)와 AFP 통신 등에 따...
THAILAND POLITICS PROTEST 연합뉴스17:35epa08940931 Thai police seize a fabric label that is 112 meters long of anti-government protesters during a rally at the Victory Monument in Bangkok, Thailan
THAILAND POLITICS PROTEST 연합뉴스17:35epa08940927 Thai anti-government protesters write messages against the government on a fabric label that is 112 meters long during the lese majeste law prote
THAILAND POLITICS PROTEST 연합뉴스17:35epa08940932 Thai police seize a fabric label that is 112 meters long of anti-government protesters during a rally at the Victory Monument in Bangkok, Thailan
THAILAND POLITICS PROTEST 연합뉴스17:35epa08940928 Thai anti-government protesters write messages against the government on a fabric label that is 112 meters long during the lese majeste law prote
THAILAND POLITICS PROTEST 연합뉴스17:34epa08940930 Thai police seize a fabric label that is 112 meters long of anti-government protesters during a rally at the Victory Monument in Bangkok, Thailan
THAILAND POLITICS PROTEST 연합뉴스17:34epa08940929 Thai anti-government protesters write messages against the government on a fabric label that is 112 meters long during the lese majeste law prote
THAILAND POLITICS PROTEST 연합뉴스17:34epa08940933 Thai police seize a fabric label that is 112 meters long of anti-government protesters during a rally at the Victory Monument in Bangkok, Thailan
THAILAND POLITICS PROTEST 연합뉴스17:33epa08940926 A Thai anti-government protester writes a message against the government on a fabric label that is 112 meters long during the lese majeste law pr
트럼프 행정부, 임기 종료 나흘 앞두고 마지막 사형 집행 연합뉴스17:33(서울=연합뉴스) 김유아 기자 = 도널드 트럼프 행정부가 임기 종료를 나흘 앞두고 연방정부 차원의 마지막 사형을 집행했다. AP통신은 1996년 메릴랜드주에서 세 여성을...