日 '외국인 입국금지' 2월 말까지 유지 방침.."아직 오미크론 대책 필요" 중앙일보22:58일본 정부가 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 오미크론 변이 유입을 막기 위한 대책으로 시행 중인 '외국인 입국금지 조치'를 오는 2월 말까지 연장할 전망이다. ...
나토 수장 "러와 평화적 해결 노력..침공시엔 협력 대신 대결" 뉴시스22:55기사내용 요약 "우크라 침공시 정치·경제적 심각한 대가" "우크라 자위권 유지 위해 지원할 것" "연쇄 회담서 합의 목표…정치적 해결 과정되길" 우크라 부총리 "안보 ...
일본, 오미크론 차단 위해 '외국인 입국금지' 2월 말까지 유지 전망 조선비즈22:48일본이 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 변이 오미크론 유입을 막기 위해 시행하는 ‘외국인 입국 금지’를 오는 2월 말까지 연장할 계획이다. 10일 교도통신에 ...
INDIA KASHMIR WEATHER 연합뉴스22:47epa09677240 Kashmiri people walk on a snow covered hilly road at a village in Tangmarg of district Baramulla, some 35 kilometers north of Srinagar, the summ
INDIA KASHMIR WEATHER 연합뉴스22:46epa09677238 Kashmiri people walk on a snow covered hilly road at a village in Tangmarg of district Baramulla, some 35 kilometers north of Srinagar, the summ
INDIA KASHMIR WEATHER 연합뉴스22:46epa09677235 A man cleans snow from a hill at a village in Tangmarg of district Baramulla, some 35 kilometers north of Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian
INDIA KASHMIR WEATHER 연합뉴스22:45epa09677236 Kashmiri girls walk on a snow covered hill as they return from tuition to their homes at a village in Tangmarg of district Baramulla, some 35 ki
노르웨이, "제대병은 보급받은 속옷과 양말 꼭 반납"..후임신병 사용하게 뉴시스22:41기사내용 요약 팬데믹과 보급 시스템 문제로 군 피복 비축량 크게 부족 "반납 속옷 체크해서 세탁하면 후임 사용 문제없어" [코펜하겐=AP/뉴시스] 김재영 기자 = 노르웨...
AFGHANISTAN IS MILITANTS 연합뉴스22:41epa09677231 Haqqani, the Taliban district police cheif of the area inspects the road leading to a hideout of IS militants after an overnight operation that k
AFGHANISTAN IS MILITANTS 연합뉴스22:41epa09677230 Taliban secure the road leading to a hideout of IS militants after an overnight operation that killed three IS militants in Kabul, Afghanistan, 1
AFGHANISTAN IS MILITANTS 연합뉴스22:41epa09677232 Taliban secure the road leading to a hideout of IS militants after an overnight operation that killed three IS militants in Kabul, Afghanistan, 1
Government 연합뉴스22:41Dutch King Willem-Alexander, center, and Prime Minister Mark Rutte, left, laugh after posing with other ministers of the new the government at Royal Palace N
AFGHANISTAN IS MILITANTS 연합뉴스22:41epa09677220 Taliban inspect a hideout after an overnight operation that killed three IS militants in Kabul, Afghanistan, 10 January 2022. The Taliban have be
AFGHANISTAN IS MILITANTS 연합뉴스22:41epa09677227 Taliban secure the road leading to a hideout of IS militants after an overnight operation that killed three IS militants in Kabul, Afghanistan, 1
AFGHANISTAN IS MILITANTS 연합뉴스22:41epa09677225 Taliban inspect a hideout of IS militants after an overnight operation that killed three IS militants in Kabul, Afghanistan, 10 January 2022. The