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    USA BLACK FRIDAY 연합뉴스 · 23:37
    epa10327604 Customers look at Sony televisions on Black Friday at a Best Buy in Alexandria, Virginia, USA, 25 November 2022. The day after Thanksgiving Day,
  • WCup Qatar Senegal Soccer
    WCup Qatar Senegal Soccer 연합뉴스 · 23:37
    A fan of Qatar cheers during the World Cup group A soccer match between Qatar and Senegal, at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Friday, Nov. 25, 2022. (...
  • 러, '최대 70만명 2차 동원령' 발표?…크렘린 "사실 아냐"
    러, '최대 70만명 2차 동원령' 발표?…크렘린 "사실 아냐" 뉴스1 · 23:34
    (서울=뉴스1) 최서윤 기자 = 러시아가 내년 1월 2차 동원령을 통해 최대 70만명을 징집할 수 있다는 보도가 나온 데 대해, 크렘린궁은 사실이 아니라고 부인했다. 앞서 ...
  • Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town
    Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town 연합뉴스 · 23:30
    A cross for one of the five victims of a mass shooting at Club Q, a gay nightclub, stands amid a makeshift memorial on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2022, in Colorado Sp
  • Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town
    Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town 연합뉴스 · 23:30
    Religious votive candles are wrapped in gay pride rainbow colors at a memorial outside Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colo., on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. Five p
  • Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town
    Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town 연합뉴스 · 23:30
    A freight train carrying airplane fuselages passes through the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. (AP P...
  • Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town
    Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town 연합뉴스 · 23:30
    Bumper stickers on a pickup in downtown Colorado Springs, Colo., on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. (AP Photo/Thomas Peipert) ▶제보는 카톡 okjebo
  • Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town
    Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town 연합뉴스 · 23:30
    Hikers pause to enjoy the view at Garden of the Gods Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022, in Colorado Springs, Colo. With a growing and diversifying population, the cit
  • Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town
    Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town 연합뉴스 · 23:30
    Pike's Peak stands off in the distance over America The Beautiful Park in downtown in Colorado Springs, Colo., Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2022. With a growing and div
  • Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town
    Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town 연합뉴스 · 23:30
    A religious plaque at a memorial outside Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colo., on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. Five people were killed when a gunman opened fire at
  • 영국 총리 이어 외무장관도 키이우 방문 "러시아는 실패할 것"
    영국 총리 이어 외무장관도 키이우 방문 "러시아는 실패할 것" 연합뉴스 · 23:30
    (로마=연합뉴스) 신창용 특파원 = 영국의 리시 수낵 총리가 우크라이나 수도 키이우를 방문한 지 엿새 만에 제임스 클리버리 외무장관도 키이우를 찾았다. AFP 통신에 ...
  • Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town
    Colorado Springs Shooting Conflicted Town 연합뉴스 · 23:30
    The steeple of a Mormon church rises above a neighborhood in Colorado Springs, Colo., on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. The city is a place full of art shops and
    epa10327582 Villagers stay inside a makeshift shelter as they flee their homes that were affected by the 5.6 magnitude earthquake in Cianjur, Indonesia, 25 N
    epa10327586 ▶제보는 카톡 okjebo
  • 영국 “이 나라는 믿을 수 없어”…정부 CCTV 퇴출시킨 사연
    영국 “이 나라는 믿을 수 없어”…정부 CCTV 퇴출시킨 사연 매일경제 · 23:30
    영국 정부가 국가 안보 우려를 이유로 정부 내 주요 시설에 중국산 폐쇄회로(CC) TV를 설치하는 것을 중단하기로 결정했다고 로이터통신이 24일(현지시간) 보도했다. 이...
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