가상화폐 일제히 급락..60달러→0달러 대폭락도 연합뉴스TV18:52[뉴스리뷰] [앵커] 비트코인 등 주요 가상화폐 가격이 일제히 하락했습니다. 특히 7만 원 가까이 거래되던 가상화폐가 말 그대로 하루아침에 거의 0원으로 대폭락하는 ...
Germany Election Left Party 연합뉴스18:49Both leaders of the Left Party Janine Wissler, also co-top candidate for the general elections in fall, left, and Susanne Hennig-Wellsow, right, speak during
'펄펄 끓는다' 美 남서부 사상 최고기온..50도 넘어 한국경제18:47미국 남서부 곳곳에서 사상 최고기온을 기록하는 등 불볕더위가 이어지고 있다. 17일(현지시간) 애리조나주 투손에서는 오전 8시께 화씨 100도(37.8℃)에 도달했다. 미...
Iran Elections 연합뉴스18:41In this photo released by the official website of the office of the Iranian Presidency, President Hassan Rouhani, left, speaks with the media after his meeti
WHO '델타 변이' 확산 경고.."세계적 지배종 될 것" JTBC18:41[앵커] 다른 변이보다도 전파력이 더 강한 델타 변이에 대한 경고가 잇따르고 있습니다. 인도에서 처음 발견되면서 인도 변이란 이름이 붙은 바로 그 바이러스인데, 인...
이란 대선, 예상대로 강경보수 라이시 당선 확실시 한국일보18:4018일(현지시간) 치러진 이란 대선에서 기존 여론조사 결과대로 강경보수 후보인 세예드 에브라힘 라이시의 당선이 유력해졌다. 라이시는 보수세력의 상징인 최고지도자...
SOUTH AFRICA BEACH MINING PROTEST 연합뉴스18:34epa09284911 A sign made by South African NPC Protect The West Coast as a form of protest is displayed on Glencairn beach in Cape Town, South Africa, 19 June
SOUTH AFRICA BEACH MINING PROTEST 연합뉴스18:34epa09284910 A sign made by South African NPC Protect The West Coast as a form of protest is displayed on Glencairn beach in Cape Town, South Africa, 19 June
SOUTH AFRICA BEACH MINING PROTEST 연합뉴스18:34epa09284912 A sign made by South African NPC Protect The West Coast as a form of protest is displayed on Glencairn beach in Cape Town, South Africa, 19 June
SOUTH AFRICA BEACH MINING PROTEST 연합뉴스18:33epa09284909 A woman scans a QR code on a sign made by South African NPC Protect The West Coast as a form of protest displayed on Glencairn beach in Cape Town
BELGIUM ANTWERP BUILDING COLLAPSE 연합뉴스18:28epa09284903 Firefighters work in the rubbles of a building that partially collapsed, killing at least two persons in the 'Nieuw Zuid' quarter in Antwerp, Bel
BELGIUM ANTWERP BUILDING COLLAPSE 연합뉴스18:27epa09284899 Firefighters work in the rubbles of a building that partially collapsed, killing at least two persons in the 'Nieuw Zuid' quarter in Antwerp, Bel
BELGIUM ANTWERP BUILDING COLLAPSE 연합뉴스18:27epa09284908 Paramedics return a trolley and equipment to a Paramedic Ambulance outside of a building that partially collapsed, killing at least two persons i
BELGIUM ANTWERP BUILDING COLLAPSE 연합뉴스18:27epa09284901 Paramedics bring a trolley and equipment to a building that partially collapsed, killing at least two persons in the 'Nieuw Zuid' quarter in Antw
BELGIUM ANTWERP BUILDING COLLAPSE 연합뉴스18:27epa09284904 Paramedics return a trolley and equipment to a Paramedic Ambulance outside of a building that partially collapsed, killing at least two persons i