SWITZERLAND SOLO FLIGHT RECORD 연합뉴스23:51epa11530629 US pilot Ethan Guo prepares his take off at Geneve Aeroport for attempting a world record for a solo flight around the world, in Geneva, Switzerl
SWITZERLAND SOLO FLIGHT RECORD 연합뉴스23:50epa11530621 US pilot Ethan Guo (R) prepares his take off with his Cessna at Geneve Aeroport for attempting a world record for a solo flight around the world,
SWITZERLAND SOLO FLIGHT RECORD 연합뉴스23:50epa11530617 US pilot Ethan Guo poses for the photographer next to his Cessna before his take off at Geneve Aeroport for attempting a world record for a solo
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쥐 한 마리 때문에…프랑크푸르트 공항 밤새 정전 SBS23:49▲ 위 사진은 기사 내용과 관련이 없습니다. 독일 프랑크푸르트 공항에서 쥐가 전선을 갉아먹는 바람에 4시간 넘게 공항 일부 구역에 전기공급이 끊겼다고 ARD방송이 현...
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WHO “코로나19 증가세…올림픽서 선수 40명 양성” KBS23:48세계보건기구(WHO)는 코로나 19가 최근 몇 달간 감염이 확산하고 있다고 경고했습니다. 마리아 반 커크호브 WHO 기술수석은 현지시각 6일 유엔 제네바 사무소에서 열린 ...
미식축구 코치에서 부통령 후보까지…‘해리스 러닝메이트’ 월즈는 누구 매일경제23:48미국 민주당 대선후보인 카멀라 해리스 미국 부통령의 ‘러닝 메이트’로 지명된 팀 월즈 미네소타 주지사는 시골 고등학교 선생님에서 민주당의 부통령 후보로 선출된 ...
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Tropical Weather Debby 연합뉴스23:45A surfer comes out of the water after riding the high waves created by Tropical Storm Debby near the Tybee pier, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, in Tybee Island, Ga. ...
SWITZERLAND SOLO FLIGHT RECORD 연합뉴스23:45epa11530613 US pilot Ethan Guo takes off in his Cessna at Geneve Aeroport for attempting a world record for a solo flight around the world, in Geneva, Switze
Paris Olympics Diving 연합뉴스23:45China's Quan Hongchan celebrates after winning the gold medal at the women's 10m platform diving final at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, in
SWITZERLAND SOLO FLIGHT RECORD 연합뉴스23:45epa11530612 US pilot Ethan Guo takes off in his Cessna at Geneve Aeroport for attempting a world record for a solo flight around the world, in Geneva, Switze
Financial Markets Wall Street 연합뉴스23:45CEO Kwesi Smith, right, of the Greenwood Project, rings the New York Stock Exchange opening bell, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024.(AP Photo/Richard Drew) ▶제보는 카톡
Tropical Weather Debby 연합뉴스23:45An American flag is nearly shredded from the winds from Tropical Storm Debby, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, in Tybee Island, Ga. (AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton) ▶제보...