AFGHANISTAN CONFLICTS 연합뉴스20:35epa08941259 Afghans receive medical treatment at a local hospital in Herat, Afghanistan, 16 January 2021. According to police officials, Fifteen civilians we
AFGHANISTAN CONFLICTS 연합뉴스20:35epa08941257 Afghans receive medical treatment at a local hospital in Herat, Afghanistan, 16 January 2021. According to police officials, Fifteen civilians we
AFGHANISTAN CONFLICTS 연합뉴스20:35epa08941258 An Afghan receives medical treatment at a local hospital in Herat, Afghanistan, 16 January 2021. According to police officials, Fifteen civilians
AFGHANISTAN CONFLICTS 연합뉴스20:35epa08941255 Afghans receive medical treatment at a local hospital in Herat, Afghanistan, 16 January 2021. According to police officials, Fifteen civilians we
AFGHANISTAN CONFLICTS 연합뉴스20:35epa08941256 Afghans receive medical treatment at a local hospital in Herat, Afghanistan, 16 January 2021. According to police officials, Fifteen civilians we
일본 코로나 일일 확진 7012명·사망 56명 뉴스120:32(서울=뉴스1) 권영미 기자 = 일본에서 16일 하루 동안 7012명의 코로나19 확진자가 새로 보고됐다. NHK방송에 따르면, 이날 오후 7시40분 기준 일본 내 누적 확진자 수...
파키스탄, 아스트라제네카 백신 긴급 사용 승인 연합뉴스20:31(뉴델리=연합뉴스) 김영현 특파원 = 남아시아의 파키스탄이 다국적 제약사 아스트라제네카의 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 백신 사용을 승인했다고 로이터통신...
Netherlands Speed Skating European Championships 연합뉴스20:31Norway's Sverre Lunde Pedersen, left, and Netherlands' Patrick Roest compete during the men's 500 meters allround of the European Speedskating Championships
AFGHANISTAN POLICE KILLED 연합뉴스20:28epa08941244 An Afghan security official stands guard on a road side check point in Herat, Afghanistan, 16 January 2021. According to reports, At least Twelve
AFGHANISTAN POLICE KILLED 연합뉴스20:28epa08941242 Afghan security officials stand guard on a road side check point in Herat, Afghanistan, 16 January 2021. According to reports, At least Twelve me
AFGHANISTAN POLICE KILLED 연합뉴스20:28epa08941243 Afghan security officials stand guard on a road side check point in Herat, Afghanistan, 16 January 2021. According to reports, At least Twelve me
AFGHANISTAN POLICE KILLED 연합뉴스20:28epa08941245 An Afghan security official stands guard on a road side check point in Herat, Afghanistan, 16 January 2021. According to reports, At least Twelve
AFGHANISTAN POLICE KILLED 연합뉴스20:28epa08941238 Afghan security officials stand guard on a road side check point in Herat, Afghanistan, 16 January 2021. According to reports, At least Twelve me
트럼프 행정부 임기 끝나가는데.. 마지막 '사형' 집행 머니투데이20:28미국 도널드 트럼프 행정부가 임기 종료를 4일 앞두고 연방 정부 차원 사형을 집행했다. AP통신은 1996년 메릴랜드주에서 세 여성을 살해한 혐의로 사형을 선고받고 수...
AFGHANISTAN POLICE KILLED 연합뉴스20:28epa08941239 Afghan security officials stand guard on a road side check point in Herat, Afghanistan, 16 January 2021. According to reports, At least Twelve me