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  • 美·우크라이나, 러시아 침공가능성에 이견 드러내며 '불화'
    美·우크라이나, 러시아 침공가능성에 이견 드러내며 '불화' MBC · 19:21
    러시아의 우크라이나 침공 가능성에 대해 미국과 우크라이나가 이견을 보이면서 양국 지도부 간에 불화가 벌어지고 있다는 보도가 잇따르고 있습니다. 미국 CNN 방송은 ...
  • Europe Migration
    Europe Migration 연합뉴스 · 19:20
    Migrants and refugees sailing adrift on an overcrowded wooden boat, receive life jackets from aid workers of the Spanish NGO Aita Mary in the Mediterranean S
  • Europe Migration
    Europe Migration 연합뉴스 · 19:20
    Migrants and refugees from Africa are assisted at the rescue ship of the Spanish NGO Aita Mary after being rescued in the Mediterranean Sea, about 103 miles
  • Australian Open Tennis
    Australian Open Tennis 연합뉴스 · 19:20
    Ash Barty of Australia celebrates her win over Danielle Collins of the U.S in the women's singles final at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbou
  • Australian Open Tennis
    Australian Open Tennis 연합뉴스 · 19:20
    Ash Barty, right, of Australia is congratulated by Danielle Collins of the U.S., after winning the women's singles final at the Australian Open tennis champi
  • 우크라 대통령, 미·러·우크라 3자 협상틀 제안
    우크라 대통령, 미·러·우크라 3자 협상틀 제안 헤럴드경제 · 19:17
    [헤럴드경제]우크라이나에 대한 러시아 침공 가능성이 높은 가운데 우크라이나 측이 러시아와 미국을 포함한 3자 대화를 촉구했다. 볼로디미르 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대...
  • Europe Migration
    Europe Migration 연합뉴스 · 19:16
    Migrants and refugees from Africa sailing adrift on an overcrowded rubber boat, receive life jackets from aid workers of the Spanish NGO Aita Mary in the Med
  • Europe Migration
    Europe Migration 연합뉴스 · 19:16
    Migrants and refugees from Africa sailing adrift on an overcrowded rubber boat, are assisted by aid workers of the Spanish NGO Aita Mary in the Mediterranean
  • Europe Migration
    Europe Migration 연합뉴스 · 19:15
    Woman react after being rescued from an overcrowded rubber boat by aid workers of the Spanish NGO Aita Mary in the Mediterranean Sea, about 103 miles (165 km
  • Europe Migration
    Europe Migration 연합뉴스 · 19:15
    An aid worker of the Spanish NGO Aita Mary stands on a rubber boat where migrants and refugees from different African nationalities were assisted in the Medi
  • Australian Open Peng Shuai
    Australian Open Peng Shuai 연합뉴스 · 19:15
    Supporters of Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai wear T-shirts as they enter the stadium for the women's final at the Australian Open tennis championships in M
  • Australian Open Tennis
    Australian Open Tennis 연합뉴스 · 19:15
    A supporter of Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai wears T-shirts as they watch the women's final at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Aust
  • '우크라 위기' 뒤엔 푸틴의 '못 이룬 야망'이 있다
    '우크라 위기' 뒤엔 푸틴의 '못 이룬 야망'이 있다 뉴시스 · 19:15
    기사내용 요약 돈바스 전쟁 8년째…극으로 치닫는 우크라 동부 분쟁 우크라, 정치·지정학적 마지노선…러와 역사적 '뿌리' 같아 "푸틴, 옛소련 붕괴 아픔 미국이 맛보...
  • 아프리카 동남부 열대폭풍으로 88명 사망.."기후변화 직격탄" YTN · 19:15
    아프리카 동남부에 있는 마다가스카르와 모잠비크, 말라위에 열대 폭풍 '아나'가 불어닥쳐 지금까지 88명이 목숨을 잃었습니다. 곳곳에 홍수와 산사태가 일어나고, 많은...
  • Australian Open Tennis
    Australian Open Tennis 연합뉴스 · 19:15
    Supporters of Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai wear T-shirts as they watch the women's final at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Austra
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