[유럽증시] ECB 통화정책회의·미중 긴장 주시 속 혼조세 연합뉴스01:48(제네바=연합뉴스) 임은진 특파원 = 유럽 주요국 증시는 28일(현지시간) 혼조세를 보이며 마감했다. 프랑스 파리 증시의 CAC 40 지수는 전 거래일 종가 대비 0.75% 상승...
USA BIDEN WHITE HOUSE 연합뉴스01:47epa09550997 US President Joe Biden speaks about the framework of his 'historic' multi-trillion dollar spending deal in the East Room of the White House in Wa
USA BIDEN WHITE HOUSE 연합뉴스01:46epa09550994 US President Joe Biden speaks about the framework of his 'historic' multi-trillion dollar spending deal in the East Room of the White House in Wa
영 싱크탱크 "세금인상·인플레에 중산층 살림 빡빡해진다" 연합뉴스01:45(런던=연합뉴스) 최윤정 특파원 = 영국에서 물가 상승과 세금 인상으로 인해 중산층의 내년 살림살이가 빡빡해질 것이라는 전망이 나왔다. 영국 싱크탱크인 재정연구소(...
USA BIDEN WHITE HOUSE 연합뉴스01:45epa09550996 US President Joe Biden speaks about the framework of his 'historic' multi-trillion dollar spending deal in the East Room of the White House in Wa
USA BIDEN WHITE HOUSE 연합뉴스01:44epa09550991 US President Joe Biden speaks about the framework of his 'historic' multi-trillion dollar spending deal in the East Room of the White House in Wa
USA BIDEN WHITE HOUSE 연합뉴스01:43epa09550989 US President Joe Biden speaks about the framework of his 'historic' multi-trillion dollar spending deal in the East Room of the White House in Wa
"터키, 시리아 북부로 병력 수백명 배치..쿠르드 격퇴작전 준비"(종합) 연합뉴스01:43(모스크바=연합뉴스) 유철종 특파원 = 터키가 미국이 지원하는 쿠르드 민병대 격퇴 작전을 위해 시리아 국경 지역으로 자국군 병력 수백 명을 이동 배치했다고 리아노보...
USA BIDEN WHITE HOUSE 연합뉴스01:42epa09550990 US President Joe Biden speaks about the framework of his 'historic' multi-trillion dollar spending deal in the East Room of the White House in Wa
USA BIDEN WHITE HOUSE 연합뉴스01:42epa09550995 US President Joe Biden speaks about the framework of his 'historic' multi-trillion dollar spending deal in the East Room of the White House in Wa
Argentina Macri 연합뉴스01:40Former Argentine President Mauricio Macri leaves a court after giving testimony in Dolores, Argentina, Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021. Macri came to court as a susp
BRITAIN WIKILEAKS JULIAN ASSANGE U.S EXTRADITION HEARING 연합뉴스01:40epa09550992 Julian Assange supporters gather outside the High Court in London, Britain, 28 October 2021. Julian Assange is facing extradition to the United S
USA BIDEN WHITE HOUSE 연합뉴스01:39epa09550985 US President Joe Biden speaks about the framework of his 'historic' multi-trillion dollar spending deal in the East Room of the White House in Wa
USA BIDEN WHITE HOUSE 연합뉴스01:39epa09550984 US President Joe Biden speaks about the framework of his 'historic' multi-trillion dollar spending deal in the East Room of the White House in Wa
USA BIDEN WHITE HOUSE 연합뉴스01:39epa09550988 US President Joe Biden speaks about the framework of his 'historic' multi-trillion dollar spending deal in the East Room of the White House in Wa