[포토] 3주째 폭우로 물난리 난 美 캘리포니아 국민일보00:2510일(현지시간) 미국 캘리포니아주 머세드에서 승용차가 폭우로 불어난 흙탕물에 잠겨있다. 캘리포니아에 3주째 폭우와 강풍을 동반한 겨울 폭풍이 이어지면서 최소 17...
폭동 사흘 만에 또 브라질서 시위 움직임…정부, 보안강화 연합뉴스00:25(멕시코시티=연합뉴스) 이재림 특파원 = 지난 8일(현지시간) 대선 불복 시위자들의 폭동 여파가 채 가시지 않은 브라질에서 또다시 대규모 시위를 모의하는 움직임이 감...
이란, '아라비아만' 명칭 쓴 이라크 비판…"페르시아만이 옳아" 연합뉴스00:24(테헤란=연합뉴스) 이승민 특파원 = 이란과 아라비아반도 사이에 있는 걸프 해역을 '아라비아만'(Arabian Gulf)이라고 칭한 이라크에 이란이 강하게 항의했다. 호세인 ...
美, 전산 오작동으로 한때 항공기 운항 중단...2만여 편 지연 YTN00:24전산 오작동으로 미국 전역의 국내선 항공기 운항이 현지시간 11일 오전 한때 전면 중단됐습니다. 미 백악관은 현재까지 사이버 공격에 대한 증거는 없다면서 조 바이든...
Britain Japan 연합뉴스00:22Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, center, and Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishide, next to him, arrive at the Tower of London, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023.
Germany Coal Protest 연합뉴스00:21Climate activists sit in so-called tripos and block a road at the village Luetzerath near Erkelenz, Germany, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023. Police have entered th
Germany Coal Protest 연합뉴스00:21A police officer talks to a climate activist on blocked a road at the village Luetzerath near Erkelenz, Germany, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023. Police have entere
Germany Coal Protest 연합뉴스00:21A police officer guards the demolition edge of the open pit mine Garzweiler at the village Luetzerath near Erkelenz, Germany, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023. Polic
RUSSIA DAILY LIFE 연합뉴스00:21epa10400109 Municipal workers sleep inside a bus in downtown Moscow, Russia, 11 January 2023. Temperatures in Moscow dropped up to -15 degrees Celsius. EPA/...
BRITAIN PARLIAMENT PMQS 연합뉴스00:20epa10400106 A handout photograph released by the UK Parliament shows British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) at the House
BRITAIN PARLIAMENT PMQS 연합뉴스00:20epa10400108 A handout photograph released by the UK Parliament shows Labour Party leader keir Starmer during Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) at the House o
USA NATIONWIDE FLIGHT GROUNDING 연합뉴스00:20epa10400104 Passengers wait in line to speak to a ticketing agent following a Federal Aviation Administration nationwide ground stop at Ronald Reagan Nationa
USA NATIONWIDE FLIGHT GROUNDING 연합뉴스00:20epa10400105 Travelers wait at the United Airlines ticket counter for an update following a Federal Aviation Administration nationwide ground stop at Ronald R
USA NATIONWIDE FLIGHT GROUNDING 연합뉴스00:20epa10400101 Passengers look at a flight status board for updates following a Federal Aviation Administration nationwide ground stop at Ronald Reagan National
USA NATIONWIDE FLIGHT GROUNDING 연합뉴스00:20epa10400102 Passengers speak with an American Airlines ticketing agent for updates following a Federal Aviation Administration nationwide ground stop at Rona